Metric collector and REST API. Based on EventMachine, Goliath and LevelDB.
Real-time metric visualization. Based on SocketStream (Node) and Backbone. Find it here.
- API compatible with StatsD, push data with any StatsD client
- Second-by-second data resolution for active metrics
- Minute-by-minute data resolution for archived metrics
- Unlimited retention (well, as much as you can store)
- Metric trend monitoring and alerting
- Event streaming through ZeroMQ pub/sub
- Ruby 1.9+
- ZeroMQ dev (>= 2.1, < 3.0)
If you already have a working Ruby environment, should be as easy as:
bundle install
Deploying Astor to EC2 is pretty straight forward. On AWS Console:
Create a new Amazon EC2 instance using the Ubuntu 12.04 AMI.
We'll use capify-ec2 so you need to tag your instance properly
Customize your Security Groups and open the right ports
Once the instance is up and running, ssh into it and run:
sudo mkdir /var/astor sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /var/astor sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git build-essential libxslt-dev libxml2-dev ruby1.9.3 libzmq-dev sudo gem install bundler
Then, on your local clone:
Copy config/astor.yml.sample to config/astor.yml and customize it if needed
Copy config/deploy.rb.sample to config/deploy.rb and customize it with your repository
Copy config/ec2.yml.sample to config/ec2.yml and complete it with your EC2 keys
cap deploy:setup cap deploy
About Heroku: Is not possible to route UDP traffic at the moment but this may change in the future (!topic/heroku/z6haBrCQ9ZA)
id format is: type-metric-key, for example:
- product.clicks counter => c-product-clicks)
- api.request timer => ms-api-request
- current.users gauge => g-current-users
Availabe methods:
- List of metrics
- Get datapoints (minute resolution) for the given metric id
- Optional parameteres:
- offset: -1day, -7days, -1month
- Post a datapoint for the given metric id
- Mandatory parameters:
- value: metric value
- Delete all datapoints for the given metric id
- Alerts:
- Configurable thresholds (per metric maybe?)
- Storage
- Expose as REST resource (POST deploy notifications, etc)
- Configurable data retention