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E-commerce application where users may browse the catalog, manage their shopping cart, submit orders (dummy or through stripe), and browse through their order history. Admin users may manage the catalog (add and edit catalog items). Features include distributed caching for the catalog items (via Redis), in-memory catching for the catalog types and brands, localization, server-side filtering (via specification pattern), and emails (via MailKit).

Architecture is vertically sliced, CQRS, with a rich, encapsulated domain1 (private collections and setters) with domain notifications (for sending emails and product price changes) to explicitly implement side effects. The application IO is fully-asynchronous and the errors are handled with command results (similar to F#'s Option Type or Haskell's Maybe monad).

  1. The only exception to this (as far as I'm aware) is the ApplicationUser class which references Identity Framework.


  • ASP.NET Core 2.0
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Identity 2.0
  • Entity Framework Core 2.0
  • MediatR
  • FluentValidation
  • NLog
  • CSharpFunctionalExtensions
  • Semantic UI
  • Stripe API
  • Noty
  • Rellax
  • Google Maps API



The index and layout templates are translated to Japanese thanks to Google translate (Most likely not too accurate). index



Filter catalog-items by brand and/or format. catalog


Displays cart items with the abilities to update, clear, and checkout. Checking out the cart publishes a domain notification to send customer emails. cart


Orders - Details

Displays your detailed order history. order


Admin users may manage the catalog (and inventory). Updating the product price publishes a domain notification to reflect the price change in the customer's cart. admin



With docker:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Go to http://localhost:5000

Alternatively, you will need .NET Core 2.0 SDK. If you have the SDK installed, then open appsettings.Development.json and point the connection strings to your PostgreSQL and Redis servers. Install the javascript dependencies (e.g. npm install). You may optionally fill out the credentials for the mail server.

cd into ./src/RolleiShop (if you are not already); then run:

webpack build
dotnet restore
dotnet ef database update -c ApplicationDbContext
dotnet ef database update -c IdentityDbContext
dotnet run
Go to http://localhost:5000

Deploy (Dockerized hosts)

This process is more thoroughly explained here, but I'll summarize the steps required (mostly for my own reference).

Prerequisites: Docker Machine installed on your local machine and DigitalOcean API token.

  1. Create Dockerized hos
docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token
$DOTOKEN machine-name
  1. Activate Dockerized host
eval (docker-machine env machine-name)
  1. Build and run containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
  1. Unset Dockerized host
eval (docker-machine env -u)


The resources I use to create this project were plentiful, coming from several projects and tutorials provided by Microsoft (mostly eShopOnWeb, eShopOnContainers, MVCMusicStore, and ContosoUniversity), Pluralsight, Jimmy Bogards Contoso University remake, and several blogs.


configure webpack (for production)
Add more unit tests
Add Serverside sorting by price
Fix AJAX remove cart-items (low priority)