Install Docker and docker-compose. Then:
git clone
touch .env
docker-compose up
After Docker finishes, browse to:
- Frontend: http://localhost:3000/
- Backend: http://localhost:1337/admin/
The default credentials (for both):
- Email:
[email protected]
- Password:
Usage: ./task <service> [command...]
Bash shell ./task <service>
Strapi console ./task backend console
PostgreSQL console ./task postgres console
Redis console ./task redis console
Mail console ./task mail console
Run all tests ./task test
Run <service> tests ./task <service> test
Watch <service> tests ./task <service> watch
Run npm install in node services ./task install
Apply auto-formatting (prettier) ./task pretty
Run linter (eslint) ./task lint
Add fake data ./task fake
(Re)build Strapi admin ./task build-admin
Reset database ./task reset-db
Clean containers, cache, etc... ./task clean
A few additional steps are required to work with captchas and YouTube when developing locally.
Create an account with hCaptcha.
Create an API Key with YouTube API v3 access under Google Developer Console.
. Edit as needed using the credentials created in steps 1-2. -
(or the equivalent): pujas.test
Restart Docker processes:
docker-compose restart
Finally, use the following URLs when browsing:
- Frontend: http://pujas.test:3000/
- Backend: http://pujas.test:1337/admin/