Recreate both s3 buckets via SAM templates
create page-madamot-live-cache bucket with sns
Replace the lambda that is triggered on DatoCMS to be a lambda that fetches all the site's data via the GQL query and places that JSON in a s3 Bucket.There is then a listener on that s3 bucket and when a file is uploaded that tells SNS that that page is ready to be generated via the page-deploy-site lambda.Create a listing componentMake non published items in the cms previewable at /previewImage componentMake images in listing component and billboard component fade in like the image component- Create accordian component
Side bar component- open search for all recipes
CI/CD. Jenkins?- dynamoDB
Add autoscaling group to jenkins slaveCreate stage env- Put lambdas in API Gateway
- Global nav dark mode switch?
- recipe meta data?
- unpublish page lambda
- site map lambda
- rebuild page lambda on api gateway