A program to generate tables / graphs on covid-19 growth rates in total / active / recovered cases or deaths. This helps to assess our success in "flattening the curve".
To compile and run this program, you need a haskell toolchain. See https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/#how-to-install for more details.
To display growth tables on the terminal, run:
stack run -- active Hubei,China "South Korea" Italy Spain Belgium
To show the same information in a graph, run:
stack run -- --graph active Hubei,China "South Korea" Italy Spain Belgium > graph.html
...and open the output file in a browser.
Usage: corona [-g|--graph] [-x|--source ARG] [-s|--smoothing ARG]
[-m|--minimum ARG] ITEM REGION
Calculate daily growth rates for the covid-19 pandemic
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-g,--graph Output a graph instead of a table.
-x,--source ARG Where to obtain the input data (csse / worldometers).
-s,--smoothing ARG Over how many days to calculate growth
rate. (default: 3)
-m,--minimum ARG The minimum number to trigger the start of the
series. (default: 50)
ITEM The input series (confirmed / active / recovered /
REGION The region(s) to show