This is an unofficial Bybit Exchange API python implementation for automated trading. Find the documentation here.
- Implementation of all General, Market Data and Account endpoints.
- Simple handling of authentication
- No need to generate timestamps yourself, the wrapper does it for you
- Response exception handling
- Historical Kline/Candle fetching function
To register an account with Bybit Click here
To Generate an API Key and assign relevant permissions Click here
from bybit import Bybit
client = Client(api_key, api_secret)
# get exchange symbols
depth = Bybit().get_symbols()
# get all symbol prices
prices = Bybit().get_klines('BTCUSD', '15', '1563367231')
# Create Market Buy Orders
auth = Bybit().auth(key, secret)
prices = buy('BTCUSD', 9550, 1.000)
# Create Market Sell Orders
auth = Bybit().auth(key, secret)
prices = buy('BTCUSD', 9550, 1.000)
# Create Market Buy Limit Orders
auth = Bybit().auth(key, secret)
prices = buy('BTCUSD', 9550, 1.000)
# Create Market Sell Limit Orders
auth = Bybit().auth(key, secret)
prices = buy('BTCUSD', 9550, 1.000)
# Cancelling an order
auth = Bybit().auth(key, secret)
prices = cancel_order(order_id)
For more check out the documentation