A high-performance and simplified network traffic decoding library in C++.
#include <iostream>
#include <packetmachine.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
pm::Machine m;
m.on("TCP", [](const pm::Property& p) {
std::cout << "TCP: " <<
p["IPv4.src"] << ":" << p["TCP.src_port"] << " > " <<
p["IPv4.dst"] << ":" << p["TCP.dst_port"] << std::endl;
PacketMachine is ...
- High performance packet decoding library
- Able to capture network traffic via existing mechanism (e.g. libpcap)
PacketMachine is not ...
- Packet capturing mechanism for higher performance than netmap, DPDK, etc.
- Packet crafting library.
- Event callback model for network traffic decoding.
- Easy access to parameter of network traffic packet, such as
- Multi-threading (read/capture thread + decoding thread)
Packet processing performance depends on kinds of task and data set. The chart shows a result of benchmark with simple packet counting task and 3 data set. In the task, PacketMachine marked over 2,000,000 pps (Packet Per Second). This is about three times faster than libtins that is a C++ library for packet decoding and crafting.
See a benchmark document for more detail.
Note: Install libpcap before setup of PacketMachine.
$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/m-mizutani/packetmachine.git
$ cd packetmachine
$ cmake . && make
$ sudo make install
See install.md for more details.
Prepare example.cc
as below:
#include <iostream>
#include <packetmachine.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
pm::Machine m;
m.on("UDP", [](const pm::Property& p) {
std::cout << "UDP: " <<
p["IPv4.src"] << ":" << p["UDP.src_port"] << " > " <<
p["IPv4.dst"] << ":" << p["UDP.dst_port"] << std::endl;
return 0;
Compile example.cc
and run it.
$ clang++ -std=c++11 example.cc -o example -lpacketmachine
$ sudo ./example eth0
UDP: >
UDP: >
- main part: 2-clause BSD license
: from Google Test, Google Inc. The BSD 3-Clause Licensesrc/utils/hash.cc
: from Chromium, Google Inc. The BSD 3-Clause License
- Masayoshi Mizutani [email protected]