**** Important Informations ****
This procjet is my old first atempt to graphics programming. That was extremally hard to start learning graphics programming from Vulkan API so I abandoned it after year. Then I started developing YasEngine with OpenGL https://github.com/lukesawicki/YasEngineGL_Old_OpenGL_Version_Archived but I wasn't happy how some stuff is explained then I decided to go full software renderer and started engine YasEngineSoftware https://github.com/lukesawicki/YasEngineSoftware_Old_Software_Renderer_Version_ArchivedArchived And then started from drawing pixel using SDL. This year I finished my first simple game Beauty of Math and decided to add 3D rendering but it is hard to add this to current code base of YasEngineSoftware so I decided to use obviously only smart part of code from ther and to be easier focus on only renderer not game so I created project YasRenderer. And YasRenderer will be for some time my active project.
YASEngine(Yet Another Simple Engine) will be simple game engine written in C++ with Vulkan API and other APIs in the future.
In the beginning during creating engine and simultanously learning Vulkan, code which you find here is modified code from Vulkan tutorial -> https://vulkan-tutorial.com/Introduction During my learning process this code will be changing.
Over time I will be gaining more knowledge about Vulkan and game engine architecture to create first version of this engine which allow me to create game similar to Wolfenstein 3D.
Through process of creating this engine I'm learning from various of sources. Few of them are:
All resources from Khronos Group git hub -> https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Khronosdotorg/blob/master/api/vulkan/resources.md
Of cource specification -> https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/html/vkspec.html#introduction
Vulkan tutorial -> https://vulkan-tutorial.com/Introduction
Harrys Gould online book about Vulkan -> { https://github.com/HarryLovesCode/Vulkan-API-Book https://harrylovescode.gitbooks.io/vulkan-api/content/index.html }
From Parminders Singh book "Learning Vulkan" -> https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Vulkan-Parminder-Singh-ebook/dp/B01FSO1D2Q/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
Everything which i found in google.