Script is designed to poll statistics for either an MDT or an OSS merges that data and some datapoints from facter in order to update a graphite system. This also grabs blocks read/write statistics for each ost. In our implementation we are firing this out in crontab on a interval but you can also use any other scheduling tool.
usage: [-h] [-m] [-o] [-f FILE_LOCATION] [-d DATACENTER]
[-n HOSTNAME] [-i INTERVAL] [-v]
polling lustre for statistics to pump into graphite host
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --mds parsing md_stat on and MDS host
-o, --oss parsing stats on and OSS host
location of mds or oss datafile, default is mds
/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/bulfs01-MDT0000/md_stats, when oss
is enabled odbfilter will be envoked.
Pass datacenter value for graphite ingest string to
parse. eg. (holyoke, 1ss, 60ox)
-n HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
Pass shortname hostname value for graphite ingest
string to parse. eg. (rcwebsite2)
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
manipulate sample interval of data polling. Value in
-v, --verbose verbose output
###Config parameters can be set in the main section of the code at the very bottom of the graph script:
#Global Parameters can be set here:
## Log related setting
LOG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] - %(name)s - %(message)s"
log_location ='<Custom log path>'
logger = logging.getLogger(log_location)
## Use these if you use facter in your environment
facter_json_file_location = '<Facter file facts.json>'
facter_json_location = '<Facter file parent path>'
## graphite server settings
graphite_server = '<graphite server hostname>'
graphite_port = <Graphite listner port>
graphite_service_name = '<Graphite service name>'