- 🧔🏻♂️ Father;
- 👨🏻💻 Code crafter;
- 📸 Photographer;
- 🟠 O'rangers fan;
♦️ Poker player;- 🪄 Magician;
- 🪂 Sky diver;
- 👨🏻
✈️ Fighter pilot; - 🧑🏻🚀 Astronaut;
- 👨🏻🍳 Chef cook;
- 🥷🏻 Ninja;
- 🦁 Lion tamer.
Just kidding! I'm not a Chef cook...
I'm a FullStack Engineer and I love to code. I also love to teach others to code and learn new stuff.
Newzzer (www.newzzer.com.br)
Newzzer is a CMS platform specially built to meet the demand of small and medium-sized newspapers and magazines who want to have a complete news website without the need to develop everything from scratch.
The platform offers a complete and customized solution for managing content for news, articles, advertising and integration with external services such as Google Analytics or social networks.
The service is offered in the SaaS model where the entire application is run on our servers and customers have access to the administrative panel through a monthly subscription that already entitles them to a responsive website, advertising control and strategic flow and conversion reports.
Diário Transparente (www.diariotransparente.com.br)
The Diário Transparente is a solution developed to meet the demand for publication DOE - Diários Oficiais Eletrônicos (Official Electronic Gazettes), regulated by Federal Law No. 8.666/93.
The platform allows cities to publish public notices and official bulletins electronically signed digitally, reducing the environmental impact, increasing the reach and allowing greater access to information for those who do not have access to physical publications.