SharedPreferences in Desktop, suitable for Kotlin, for simple access to configuration files in Windows, Linux, MacOs
us English | cn 简体中文
- Your root dir, build.gradle.kts add:
buildscript {
repositories {
allprojects {
repositories {
- Your desktop dir, build.gradle.kts add:
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val jvmMain by getting {
dependencies {
- Use SharedPreferences
//Create SharedPreferences
val sp = SharedPreferences("appName")
//Get String value
sp.getStringOrNull("fileName", "key")
//Set String value
sp.putString("fileName", "key", "value")
ps:Support String, Int, Long, Boolean, Float
- Custom Configuration, When creating a SharedPreferences object, the following content can be configured
* @param appName Application Name
* @param configDir Configure dir
* @param valueHandler Process value values, which can be used for encryption and decryption, etc
* @param valueSaved The method of saving values is generally used to place the saved task into a single instance thread for execution
* @param lruMaxSize How many pieces of data can LruMap save at most (data from multiple files)
class SharedPreferences()