A Drupal 7 powered distribution providing a community platform to share knowledge.
- Bower (
npm install -g bower
) - Grunt and grunt-cli (
npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
) - Gulp (
npm install -g gulp
) - Sass (
sudo gem install sass
Clone the project from GitHub.
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/ec-europa/EIC-community.git
If you have forgotten the --recursive option you can retried the druleton project with:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
When we first clone the repository, we need to initialize it:
$ bin/init
Create a folder called "backup", otherwise the Druleton scripts (inside the bin folder) will not work! Create it inside the docker container, so it has the correct user/group ower. In "/srv/http/app/public_html" do: $ mkdir backup
Keep in mind to configure the proper installation profile, which is "capacity4more" in our case!
This script will:
- Create the config/config.sh file based on the config/config_example.sh file.
- Ask you for the config variables (db credentials, website details, ...).
- Install composer locally (bin/composer)
- Install a local version of drush.
- Detect any custom commands and add them to the bin directory.
Run the install script from within the root of the repository:
$ bin/install
The install command has a few optional options:
--no-backup Do not take a backup before the installation is run.
--no-login Do not open a webbrowser and login to the website when
the installation is finished.
--dummy-content Execute dummy content migration after installation.
--env=<name> The environment to run the script for (default : dev)
--help (-h) Show this help text.
--hook-info Show information about the available hooks.
--no-color Disable all colored output.
--confirm (-y) Skip the confirmation step when the script starts.
--verbose (-v) Verbose.
Create a vhost for your webserver, point it to the REPOSITORY/ROOT/web
(Restart/reload your webserver).
Add the local domain to your /etc/hosts
Open the URL in your favorite browser.
It is also possible to upgrade Drupal core and contributed modules and themes without destroying the data in tha database and the sites/default directory.
Run the update script:
$ bin/upgrade
Will destroy the database and install the capacity4more profile again.
Run the reset script:
$ bin/reset
For testing use Behat with PhantomJS.
To run our tests, we need behat (and some extensions). With composer installed, we can quickly install the right versions:
$ cd /PATH/TO/project/profiles/capacity4more/behat
$ composer install
This will download the right versions of all dependencies into the behat/bin folder.
To test javascript behaviour we need to install PhantomJs:
$ sudo npm install -g phantomjs
You need to start the webdriver before you start the tests:
$ cd /PATH/TO/project/profiles/capacity4more/behat
$ phantomjs --webdriver=4444
Behat needs a configuration file. Copy the example file and fill in the local configuration parameters.
$ cd /PATH/TO/project/profiles/capacity4more/behat
$ cp behat.local.yml.example behat.local.yml
$ vi behat.local.yml
Executing behat is as simple as running
$ cd /PATH/TO/project/profiles/capacity4more/behat
$ ./bin/behat
This will run all tests.
If you only want to test the API and don't need the JavaScript tests (or you don't have PhantomJS installed/running), you can add tags to our scenarios and only execute them.
There are 2 default tags in use:
@api : Run all tests that don't require PhantomJs:
$ cd /PATH/TO/project/profiles/capacity4more/behat
$ ./bin/behat --tags=@api
@javascript : Run only the tests that require PhantomJs:
$ cd /PATH/TO/project/profiles/capacity4more/behat
$ ./bin/behat --tags=@javascript
In order to run Coder's sniffing tests, run the following command from the project's root directory:
$ CODE_REVIEW=1 TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR='.' ./ci/bin/run_coder.sh
Powered by druleton
This project is using the druleton to support storing it in version control without the need to store also core & contributed modules, themes and libraries.
See the druleton documentation as included in this project.