Exmple of the A star algorithm similar to my other PathFinder A Star
- Start: Press it to start searching the path
- End: Press it to end searching the path
- Start Node: (Active by default) If active you can add the start node (only 1 can be placed)
- End Node: If active you can add the end node (only 1 can be placed)
- Node: If active you can add a node
- Road: If active you can connect 2 nodes by clicking them, you can cancel the creation of the connection by connecting the node to himself
- Grab: If active you can move a node
- Delete: If active you can delete a connection or a node
- Blue: Start node
- Red: End node
- Cyan: Normal node
- Yellow: Active node (a node that can be used to find the path)
- Pink: Used node (like an active node but it has no more neighbors that can be activated)
- Green: Final path