This is a TMK based keyboard firmware for nRF52 series, now support both nRF52810 and nRF52832. Firmware for nRF51822 see here.
- application: contians the bootloader and application for nrf52
- main: main program for nrf52
- src: source
- ble: bluetooth related code
- config: sdk config
- driver: driver for peripheral device
- keyboard: keyboard logic
- protocol: communication protocol
- tmk: tmk adaptor
- project
- src: source
- bootloader: bootloader for nrf52
- project
- main: main program for nrf52
- doc: documents
- keyboard: keyboard config
- SDK: directory for placing nrf SDK
- template: nrf SDK makefile template
- tmk: tmk source code
- usb: code for ch554
- Master: is not stable, may contains some critical bug.
- Develop: is not stable, including some unfinished feature, may not pass compile.
If you want to use this project in your major keyboard, please see the Release page.
- BLE/USB dual mode
- Macro support
- Dynamic keymap/macro configuration
- Battery level upload
- Mousekey and media key support
- Low power comsumption. (~200ua when all LED off in Lot60-BLE)
- Support rotary encoder and other peripheral device (see driver directory)
- Highly customable event system
Currently we support both nRF52810 and nRF52832. See keyboard directory for more information.
Firstly, you should download nRF5 SDK 15.3, decompress it and put it into the SDK folder. The structure of SDK folder will be SDK/components
, ...
And then, install gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update
. Copy the Makefile.posix.template
to Makefile.posix
(depending your OS), then modify the toolchain path in the file to your gcc installed path.
Install SDCC to compile code for CH554.
If you want to compile the bootloader, you should firstly complie the uECC library. See this article.
cd keyboard/lot60-ble
make # Compile main program and the USB program
make bootloader # Compile bootloader
It's recommend to use DAP-Link to flashing nrf52 chip. If you want to do so, please install pyocd. If you want to generate DFU package, you should install nrfutil.
For ch554, you could use the official flasing utility in windows, or third-party usbisp in linux.
Type make help
for all flashing command.
这是一个基于nrf52蓝牙键盘的固件,使用了nRF SDK 15.3作为底层硬件驱动,并使用TMK键盘库作为键盘功能的上部实现。
- application/ 固件相关
- main/ 主程序
- src/ 源码
- ble/ 蓝牙相关代码
- config/ 硬件配置相关
- protocol/ 通讯相关
- driver/ 外置驱动
- tmk/ tmk桥接相关
- project/ 工程
- src/ 源码
- bootloader/
- src/ 源码
- project/ 工程
- main/ 主程序
- keyboard/ 各个键盘实现相关
- SDK/ nRF52 SDK
- tmk/ tmk core 相关
- usb/ USB部分代码
- Master 分支是不稳定的分支,可能存在一些BUG
- Develop 分支是更不稳定的分支,可能会出现无法编译通过的问题
- 蓝牙/USB双模切换
- USB全键无冲
- 配列下载更新
- 电量上传
- 支持多媒体按键和鼠标键
- 支持按键宏
- 耗电量低至200ua(使用lot60-ble硬件在关闭所有灯光条件下测得,不代表所有条件下的状态)
- 高度自定义的事件系统
- 支持旋钮、WS2812等外设(详见drivers目录)
首先下载 nRF5 SDK 15.3, 解压并放入SDK文件夹。
然后安装 gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update,将template目录中对应平台的配置文件模板复制一份,重命名为Makefile.posix
然后安装 SDCC 用于编译CH554相关代码。
cd application/bootloader/project
make SOFTDEVICE=S132 NRF_CHIP=nrf52832 NRF52_DISABLE_FPU=yes -j # nrf52832的编译命令
make SOFTDEVICE=S112 NRF_CHIP=nrf52810 -j # nrf52810的编译命令
cd keyboard/lot60-ble
make # 编译主程序和USB控制程序
make bootloader # 编译bootloader
请使用make help
如果对上面的固件编译流程有问题,可参考Lotlab Wiki上的这篇文章,或查看.travis.yml