Reels is a simple to use estoric programming language written in C. It loads programs into memory
Registers: a, b, c, x, y, z, all 32 bits
> | increments stack pointer
| alt: increments by *stack_pointer
< | decremenets stack pointer
| alt: decrements by *stack_pointer
~ | does nothing
] | if (a > 0), go to the next ~
[ | if (a > 0), go to the previous ~
- | a = b - c
/ | a = b / c
! | a = !b
& | a = a & b
% | aborts the program
| alt: quits the program with exit code *stack_pointer
$ | the next instruction is in alt mode
# | call system function
where `a` is a lowercase letter of a register, and `A` is a capital letter of a register:
a | *stack_pointer = a
A | a = *stack_pointer
(number) | *stack_pointer = number
| number is decimal, and is smaller than the word size
| alt: floating point number