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conffle framework for creating and Initialize a project. Providing functionalities for running a local node, compilation, deployment and unit testing smart contracts.

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conffle is an conflux framework which helps with Initialize a dapp project. inspird by truffle && ganache!

The framework makes the development of smart contracts in the conflux network pretty easy. It provides commands for compilation, deployment of smart contracts, running a local node, local compiler and unit testing the contracts.

conffle consists of 5 separated packages. There are two main packages.

  • conffle - This package is responsible for reading Conffle commands from the command line
  • conffle-contract - installing this package will give you access to the Deployer, which gives you the ability to deploy compiled contracts.
  • conffle-logger - Using this package will give you the ability to print your historical deployments on the console.
  • conffle-config - This package is used as helper where all the necessary configuration files are included.
  • conffle-utils - Similarly to config this package helps with functions like ReadFile & keyToHex, etc.


npm i -g conffle


start a local node

Before you start you must locally run a our conflux chain node. If you want to build by yourself, just fellow this:

docker pull liqiazero/conflux-chain:v0.2.4

docker run --name conflux-chain  -p 12537:12537 -p 32323:32323 -p 32323:32323/udp -p 14629:14629 -p 12539:12539  -d liqiazero/conflux-chain:v0.2.4

if u want use docker-compose, just following:

use docker-compose

To start the network:

docker-compose up -d

To destroy the network:

docker-compose down

To cleanup the associated docker volumes, -v option could be used:

docker-compose down -v

conffle commander:

Step1. conffle init

conffle init

Put your own contract under the current directory

Step2. conffle account

conffle account

Generate account and private key .

You can find the generated wallet.json file in the current directory. All address, privatekey, publishkey will be written to this file.

The following content :

  "wallet": [
      "time": "2019-12-13 11:49:43",
      "mnemonic": "accuse erosion version giant surprise hour course devote frozen cabbage birth fog",
      "accounts": [
          "address": "0xa7b4e98db3d570bd6cf01141dfc69a58b0eba3d7",
          "publicKey": "0x3f2b115a74c0cecf197b8608d71890f3801c3ddc54bb5e50c2c83be9169b5c0224a70f5381a8c3ae2ea8065c476498c774b39f4093ecd6b687912d5ebd83452e",
          "privateKey": "0x4270f5706de09280ff78cc91d3e02ce7a209538ce4fcf9b21d55196d5c89ac01"
          "address": "0xd886f98626094a77d831a91ed15e2b0e2d463416",
          "publicKey": "0xa3029052cd227709e2cdaefec0088a0248f00934bfe70022ec24c8b7f6bdd8c9de85b16a21632b536ca22f917eb3798c5b20644720667cd9bffe3fd7c12a5ec1",
          "privateKey": "0xe5a0ddb5bae3cd7649981a5735c4eef3680969aa9e1852e0946e5313117f29d4"
          "address": "0x297d58cc2f7bb0fd14c65e1b040d7c7d30f4db69",
          "publicKey": "0x44c861480c5a0d45a8c56bbe95dac6ab933956d60e997c8acb866654a9584a4c47b77bc0f85ff031dfdce3df32318ad509ff5a1fbe71982e9a3030a1cea3b8aa",
          "privateKey": "0x09a2975c885f4c9861c7cb4f9912b12c476fef35b9415e551d162143adfcc799"
          "address": "0xd5ac5b46d4a1e18e41082e6e87939d38258dcd10",
          "publicKey": "0x235a3e11267bf73dd652af3eea95eb7a757a535945a296a9f0c5c362f851f2335cec8beddaf51fd10c2ce88c760b2be1d2fd78537914b3fa473b6cd105fd4803",
          "privateKey": "0xaa7197c6cac1950dd1ccef2f6af2372e4e66ea14f7b47f53ba25d7daa2f8d211"
          "address": "0x93dccd823eb68f7739ab67990afeaf1b25729773",
          "publicKey": "0x4610b40ada45976ae58d191ca8a7e0b088aa5148437bb1cb89c20d1c53587159721fd5301192bf44c6101e23d2b816f0c5c6ec7318933bf79d693b435310c461",
          "privateKey": "0xfe4db093fecafb026396731e0489ce7d2263fb0958d7487c124985eabe173b5d"
          "address": "0x5d38e928f2ed257a444a03fbc0fbf8e3eeb09fde",
          "publicKey": "0x8a677fae9f146340641cf6d69b2ad7f474f4451ed41a1062c339eba4bf488f6ddf16bf663777ad4aadff592e9c062a0a2221d4fbc75349c5ab21ca02ffd72700",
          "privateKey": "0xea337ea5dfca6f1e113f5cb0837987c88c089daa522234bea55d1dc77fd54eff"
          "address": "0x1ecc9404876f127e422e06ad1ff4cd9d2a282ee4",
          "publicKey": "0x205e612bf30e206f1509f93571a675c2d10a2d1330de4c85996edeafcaccb3d77aabe20c36c564eb32f7f39d66e60c7006c213f87ce26d17407f206a0925bdee",
          "privateKey": "0xfbede3f6f97b625a692b45ef5bdc3ac03cdfe88ca00eb340b69f06e7aaa54904"
          "address": "0x71fd598723355d0d3a25aed255a6075e5fa5394c",
          "publicKey": "0x8a7599e25d4f073a99cc5f65bfb118c767d33be465da85af4b1087a3680286b30c4aa806abf491bb4c60f9ec051258feb57995be66a4ed8c50c21bda671be90c",
          "privateKey": "0x4117984ea58a4741f068ef6e78844a74d6ff2a890cf2c5413b069e9d9ee64831"
          "address": "0x79305dc2b3509212bb043befebb12a46d3cb190b",
          "publicKey": "0xe18a6387b06092bb7cdfb56f18759a5088b748b0c1c0fb2618cff0ea024c0d5d50256b81e2e9f687ce6758864daafebe406bdab5a8ad71decf3afe15d9b239b6",
          "privateKey": "0x556bbe7db0055f894179efe6bbbfa9274dfb2bbde8ca063113318fea435247c0"
          "address": "0x9535ad60bf720baac2e8ab3a9308c46879241968",
          "publicKey": "0xccb514ddafd7e6238923d4ea2f09a27b4f852a855d307efec938fb3c68862deb0058ccca8a799df360ca13cc1979117e2cbbc0f7180c5f57af08828a89e16da5",
          "privateKey": "0x998340f60cbcb8b26b5cd3b851fc0546c2adf7daad6ac30ab1fb227424ade67f"

Step3. conffle compile

      conffle compile 

if you have multiple contracts, libraries, etc., there is a reference relationship between them. When compiling, conffle will automatically do the linking for you. But you need to deploy your contracts in the order suggested.

--------------------------------------------                                                  │
output: { contracts:                                                                          │
   { 'ConvertLib.sol': { ConvertLib: [Object] },                                              │
     'MetaCoin.sol': { MetaCoin: [Object] },                                                  │
     'Migrations.sol': { Migrations: [Object] } },                                            │
  sources:                                                                                    │
   { 'ConvertLib.sol': { id: 0 },                                                             │
     'MetaCoin.sol': { id: 1 },                                                               │
     'Migrations.sol': { id: 2 } } }

U need first deploy this contract: [ 'ConvertLib.sol', 'Migrations.sol' ]

then deploy this contract: [ 'MetaCoin.sol' ]

To compile your contract, will generate build directory down generated abi and the bytecode.

Step4. conffle sendbalance

Give your address some CFX coin.

        conffle sendbalance --a "0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd"

Step5. conffle deploy


wallet addressIndex[0] as the default deploy address

Select the address and privatekey you want to deploy in the wallet.json file.

Ensure that your account has plenty of cfx coin, if not you can use conffle sendbalance send some to your account.

conffle deploy --a "0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd"  --pk "0x91594bd85fec9695a26ed630f536195b5f8c448560f46d68512e2efcd837d0ac" --name ConvertLib

Will be sent to test network related contracts over the contract.

If you are successful, you will receive the following log:


you can find the transaction details on :


Your contract has been deployed at :0xae2b17be6f7d590510fa7db89f86c02f55e73d2a

Step6. conffle console

 Home> conffle console                                                                                                   
commands: { compile:
   { command: 'compile',
     description: 'compile contracts',
     builder: {},
     help: { usage: 'conffle compile', options: [] },
     run: [AsyncFunction: run] },
   { command: 'deploy',
     description: 'deploy contracts',
     builder: {},
     help: { usage: 'conffle deploy', options: [] },
     run: [AsyncFunction: run] },
   { command: 'sendbalance',
     description: 'send balance(30 cfx coin) to a address',
     builder: {},
     help: { usage: 'conffle sendbalance', options: [] },
     run: [AsyncFunction: run] },
   { command: 'account',
     description: 'generate address && priv
     ate key',
     builder: {},
     help: { usage: 'conffle account', options: [] },
     run: [AsyncFunction: run] } }
conffle(localhost_docker)> compile
start compile all the contracts, pls wait....
output: { contracts:
   { 'ConvertLib.sol': { ConvertLib: [Object] },
     'MetaCoin.sol': { MetaCoin: [Object] },
     'Migrations.sol': { Migrations: [Object] } },
   { 'ConvertLib.sol': { id: 0 },
     'MetaCoin.sol': { id: 1 },
     'Migrations.sol': { id: 2 } } }

conffle(localhost_docker)> cfx.
cfx.__defineGetter__                   cfx.__defineSetter__                   cfx.__lookupGetter__                   cfx.__lookupSetter__
cfx.__proto__                          cfx.hasOwnProperty                     cfx.isPrototypeOf                      cfx.propertyIsEnumerable
cfx.toLocaleString                     cfx.toString                           cfx.valueOf

cfx.Account                            cfx.Contract                                                cfx.close
cfx.constructor                        cfx.estimateGas                        cfx.getBalance                         cfx.getBestBlockHash
cfx.getBlockByEpochNumber              cfx.getBlockByHash                     cfx.getBlockByHashWithPivotAssumption  cfx.getBlocksByEpochNumber
cfx.getCode                            cfx.getEpochNumber                     cfx.getGasPrice                        cfx.getRiskCoefficient
cfx.getTransactionByHash               cfx.getTransactionCount                cfx.getTransactionReceipt              cfx.setProvider

cfx.defaultEpoch                       cfx.defaultGas                         cfx.defaultGasPrice                    cfx.getLogs
cfx.provider                           cfx.sendRawTransaction                 cfx.sendTransaction
conffle(localhost_docker)> cfx.defaultEpoch
conffle(localhost_docker)> cfx.defaultGas
conffle(localhost_docker)> cfx.defaultGasPrice

conffle(localhost_docker)> (await cfx.getBalance("0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd")).toString()
conffle(localhost_docker)> MetaCoin.
MetaCoin.__defineGetter__      MetaCoin.__defineSetter__      MetaCoin.__lookupGetter__      MetaCoin.__lookupSetter__      MetaCoin.__proto__
MetaCoin.hasOwnProperty        MetaCoin.isPrototypeOf         MetaCoin.propertyIsEnumerable  MetaCoin.toLocaleString        MetaCoin.valueOf

MetaCoin.apply                 MetaCoin.bind                          MetaCoin.constructor           MetaCoin.toString

MetaCoin._constructorMethods   MetaCoin._json                 MetaCoin._properties           MetaCoin._property_values      MetaCoin.abi
MetaCoin.addProp               MetaCoin.address               MetaCoin.arguments                       MetaCoin.bytecode
MetaCoin.caller                MetaCoin.class_defaults        MetaCoin.clone                 MetaCoin.contractName          MetaCoin.contract_name
MetaCoin.currentProvider       MetaCoin.deployed              MetaCoin.ens                   MetaCoin.length                         MetaCoin.parallel              MetaCoin.prototype             MetaCoin.setProvider           MetaCoin.toJSON

conffle(localhost_docker)> ConvertLib

conffle(localhost_docker)> ConvertLib.
ConvertLib.__defineGetter__      ConvertLib.__defineSetter__      ConvertLib.__lookupGetter__      ConvertLib.__lookupSetter__      ConvertLib.__proto__
ConvertLib.hasOwnProperty        ConvertLib.isPrototypeOf         ConvertLib.propertyIsEnumerable  ConvertLib.toLocaleString        ConvertLib.valueOf

ConvertLib.apply                 ConvertLib.bind                          ConvertLib.constructor           ConvertLib.toString

ConvertLib._constructorMethods   ConvertLib._json                 ConvertLib._properties           ConvertLib._property_values      ConvertLib.abi
ConvertLib.addProp               ConvertLib.address               ConvertLib.arguments                       ConvertLib.bytecode
ConvertLib.caller                ConvertLib.class_defaults        ConvertLib.clone                 ConvertLib.contractName          ConvertLib.contract_name
ConvertLib.currentProvider       ConvertLib.deployed              ConvertLib.ens                   ConvertLib.length                         ConvertLib.parallel              ConvertLib.prototype             ConvertLib.setProvider           ConvertLib.toJSON

Interacting with your contract

contract: MetaCoin.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.25 <0.6.0;

import "./ConvertLib.sol";

// This is just a simple example of a coin-like contract.
// It is not standards compatible and cannot be expected to talk to other
// coin/token contracts. If you want to create a standards-compliant
// token, see: Cheers!

contract MetaCoin {
    mapping (address => uint) balances;

    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);

    constructor() public {
        balances[tx.origin] = 10000;

    function sendCoin(address receiver, uint amount) public returns(bool sufficient) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] < amount) return false;
        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
        balances[receiver] += amount;
        emit Transfer(msg.sender, receiver, amount);
        return true;

    function getBalanceInEth(address addr) public view returns(uint){
        return ConvertLib.convert(getBalance(addr),2);

    function getBalance(address addr) public view returns(uint) {
        return balances[addr];

Use a contract at a specific address

In the test directory, you can use/write javascript to test your contract.

cd test
node mc.js / mc_new.js'0x1234....')

If you already have an address for a contract, you can create a new abstraction to represent the contract at that address."0x1234...").then(async function(instance) {
    coin = instance;


const ConfluxWeb = require('conflux-web');
var provider = new ConfluxWeb.providers.HttpProvider("");
var contractTr = require('conffle-contract');
var MC = require("../build/MetaCoin.sol.json");  //Enter the actual path of the file compiled by your contract
const util = require('util');

const ad = "0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd";
const pk = "0x91594bd85fec9695a26ed630f536195b5f8c448560f46d68512e2efcd837d0ac";

var MetaCoin = contractTr({
    contractName: "MetaCoin",
    abi: MC.abi,
    bytecode: MC.bytecode,
    address: MC.contractAddress, // optional


var account_one = "0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd";
var account_two = "0x3ba790a9dcf7dd081f6167bc76a1e8279cb7da17";
var account_three = "0x49a583998b1921eded4f2ade09255648db7672d3";

// must be add this code,when you test you contract code
if (typeof MetaCoin.currentProvider.sendAsync !== "function") {
    MetaCoin.currentProvider.sendAsync = function() {
        return MetaCoin.currentProvider.send.apply(

var contract_address = MC.contractAddress;
var coin;

//    privateKey: pk,
//    address: ad
//}); function(instance) {
    coin = instance;

    //console.log(util.inspect(coin, {
    //    showHidden: true,
    //    depth: 7
    coin.getBalance("0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd").then(function(result) {

        console.log("account_one balance is :", result)
        coin.sendCoin(account_two, 3).then(async function(res) {
                console.log("send account_two 3 coins result:", res) //0 is success, 1 or 2 is something is wrong
                coin.getBalance(account_two).then(function(re) {
                    console.log("account_two balance is : ", re)

This function returns a Promise that resolves into a new instance of the contract abstraction at the newly deployed address.

you can find the example in the test directory.

...................... function(instance) {
    coin = instance;
    coin.getBalance("0xe1680683be13895b59c94eaf61818975a0d105dd").then(function(result) {

        console.log("account_one balance is :", result)
        coin.sendCoin(account_two, 3).then(async function(res) {
                console.log("send account_two 3 coins result:", res) //0 is success, 1 or 2 is something is wrong
                coin.getBalance(account_two).then(function(re) {
                    console.log("account_two balance is : ", re)



conffle framework for creating and Initialize a project. Providing functionalities for running a local node, compilation, deployment and unit testing smart contracts.







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