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Flatbuffer converter for kafka-connect-jdbc

Demonstration of a custom converter used in kafka-connect-jdbc.


Build all stuff

./gradlew build

Pack converter with dependencies into a single fat jar. This jar is used by a JDBC connector class loader in confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect image

./gradlew :jdbc-converter:shadowJar

Build directory is mounted as a plugin source in docker-compose.yaml

      - $PWD/connectors:/connectors # connector-jdbc + postgres driver
      - $PWD/jdbc-converter/build/libs:/custom-connectors # custom converter build dir


This demo uses several images with:

  • zookeeper
  • kafka broker
  • postgres db
  • kafka-connect

To start them run

docker-composer up

Check setup

curl http://localhost:8083/connector-plugins

io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector JDBC connector must be there

Run applications

Generate events

Java app EventGenerator.main() publishes a batch of

table FBReportEvent {
    id: long;
    who: string;
    what: string;
    when: long;
    status: FBReportEventStatus;

events to demo.reports kafka topic

Kafka stream store change log

Run kafka stream application ReportKStreamApplication

./gradlew :kafka-apps:bootRun

with a single stream processor which listens for incoming events and handle them into FBReport.

Main classes:

FlatbuffersDAO - generic DAO for wrappers. Controls audit data, has direct access to a kafka store

ReportDAO - generated DAO for ReportWrapper

ReportWrapper - generated class for mutation control around flatbuffers table

table FBReport {
    id: long;
    who: string;
    what: string;
    when: long;
    audit: FBAudit;

ReportProcessor - main processor to handle CUD operations on ReportWrapper objects

Start custom converter

Custom connector listens for store internal changelog topic report-processor-store-changelog, converts flatbuffers table to kafka structs with org.example.models.generated.ReportConverter and sink data into REPORTS_LOG table.

Connector properties:

"topics"                             :"report-processor-store-changelog",
"value.converter.fb.converter.class" :"org.example.models.generated.ReportConverter",
""                  :"REPORTS_LOG",

Start connector with flatbuffers converter

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/FBReport-sink-postgres/config \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "connector.class"                    : "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
    "connection.url"                     : "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/oper",
    "topics"                             : "report-processor-store-changelog",
    "key.converter"                      : "org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.LongConverter",
    "value.converter"                    : "org.example.FlatbufferSinkConverter",
    "value.converter.fb.converter.class" : "org.example.models.generated.ReportConverter",
    "transforms"                         : "SkipTombstone",
    "transforms.SkipTombstone.type"      : "org.example.SkipTombstone",
    "connection.user"                    : "operuser",
    "connection.password"                : "operpass",
    ""                  : "REPORTS_LOG",
    "auto.create"                        : true,
    "auto.evolve"                        : true,
    "insert.mode"                        : "insert"

Result table state

id who what when audit__trace_id audit__version audit__created_at audit__modified_at audit__modified_by audit__removed
0 0.8531306570647079 0.9545765261201834 753892086890999 0 1 1662647289369 1662647289369 false
1 0.29314451965634036 0.2239690665232763 753892661578041 0 1 1662647289380 1662647289380 false
1 0.29314451965634036 0.2239690665232763 753892661578041 0 2 1662647289380 1662647333486 true
2 0.7072722332995743 0.7641375036179949 753892662035791 0 1 1662647289381 1662647289381 false
2 0.6393934031119062 0.31887141163835 753892662182666 0 2 1662647289381 1662647289381 false
2 0.3805541061659019 0.9704368599156534 753892662301249 0 3 1662647289381 1662647289381 false
2 0.3805541061659019 0.9704368599156534 753892662301249 0 4 1662647289381 1662647339269 true

Check connector status


Remove connector

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8083/connectors/sink-postgres

Important classes




Generated or semi-generated class

:kafka-apps module

  • org.example.dao.generated.ReportDAO - is used to bind generic types in FlatbuffersDAO class
  • org.example.dao.generated.ReportWrapper - controls object mutation and ensures the assembly of flatbuffers

:jdbc-converter module

  • org.example.models.generated.ReportConverter - provides a schema for object storage and transfers data from flatbuffers to a struct


  • Add trace id to audit data
  • Add modified by to audit data