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A Bayesian Network implementation from scratch in Python. It features a simple interface that allows the user to define its own custom network and run some experiments on it.

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Bayesian Network from scratch in python

I choose to implement the Bayesian Network in Python by writing a simple interface that allows the user to define its own custom network and run some experiments on it.

Bayesian Network is implemented by two classes: BayesianNetwork and Bnode. The first one is the main class that contains the network structure and the second one is the class that represents a single node in the network.

Bnode class is defined as follows:

    def __init__(self, cpt: dict, parents: list):
        self.cpt = cpt
        self.parents = parents

where parents is a list of the parents of the node and cpt is the conditional probability table of the node.

BayesianNetwork class is defined as follows:

    def __init__(self, nodes: dict, values: list):
        self.nodes = nodes
        self.values = values 
        G = nx.DiGraph(self.get_edges())

        # check acyclicity of graph
        if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G): self.g = G
        else: raise ValueError('Network is not acyclic.')

        # add nodes without edges to the graph
        for node in self.get_nodes():
            if node not in self.g.nodes: self.g.add_node(node)

where nodes is a dictionary that maps the name of the node to the Bnode object, values is a list of the possible values of the nodes (e.g. ['T', 'F']) and g is the networkx graph that represents the network structure. The constructor also checks if the network is acyclic and adds nodes without edges to the graph.

sampling() method implement the Ancestral Sampling algorithm. It takes as input the number of samples to generate and returns a dictionary that maps the sample number to the sample itself. It allows also to specify an initial state of the network by adding some evidemce to the network. Also a seed can be specified for reproducibility.

    def sampling (self, n=1, init: dict = {}, seed: int = None) -> dict:
        """ Ancestral sampling n times from the network.
            n (int): number of times to sample.
            init (dict): initial state of the network.
            seed (int): random seed.

            dict: n samples
        samples={} # n samples

        print('Ancestral sampling %d times from the network...' %(n))

        # DONE: topological order of nodes
        nodes = list(nx.topological_sort(self.g))
        print('Topological ordering of nodes: ', end="")

        for iter in range(n):
            s = {} # i-esimo sample
            for nname in nodes: # get node in topological order
                node = self.nodes[nname]

                #check init state
                if nname in init:
                    s[nname] = init[nname]
                    # get cpt of node
                    cpt = node.get_cpt() # cpt of the current node
                    # get parents of node
                    parents = node.get_parents()

                    if parents == None: 
                        s[nname] = self.multi_choice(self.values, cpt['p'])
                        s[nname] = self.multi_choice(self.values, cpt[tuple([s[parent] for parent in parents])])
            # add current sampling to samples
            samples[iter+1] = s
        return samples        

estimate() method implement the Rejection Sampling algorithm. It takes as input the probabilities to estimate and the samplings from which compute. It returns a dict with the result of the estimation P(X=x|e).

def estimate(self, X: str, x: str, e: dict, samples: dict) -> dict:
        """ Estimate the probability of a node given a set of evidences.
            X (str): node to estimate.
            x (str): value of X.
            e (dict): evidences.
            samples (dict): samples from the network.

            dict: probability distribution of X given e.
        # count samples that agree with e
        count = 0
        for s in samples.values():
            if all(s[key] == value for key, value in e.items()): count += 1
        # count samples that agree with e and X
        count_X = 0
        for s in samples.values():
            if all(s[key] == value for key, value in e.items()) and s[X] == x: count_X += 1

        # estimate probability
        if count == 0: p = 0
        else: p = count_X/count

        return {X: {x: p, 'evidence':e}}

multi_choice() method is a helper function that allows to sample from a multinomial or binomial distribution. It takes as input a list of possible values and a list of probabilities and returns a random value sampled from the distribution.

    def multi_choice(self, values: list, probabilities : list, seed : int = None) -> str:
        """ Return a value from a list according to its probability distribution.
                values (list): list of values that each node can take.
                probabilities (list): list of probabilities of each value.
                seed (int): random seed to repeat same sampling.

                str: a value from the list of values
        if (len(values)!=len(probabilities)): raise ValueError('Length of values and probabilities must be the same.')

        if seed != None: random.seed(seed)

        return np.random.choice(values,p=probabilities)

BayesianNetwork class also has the methods get_nodes() and get_edges() to get nodes and edges of the network and the method plot() to plot the Bayesian Network with the graphviz module.


from bayes_net import BayesNetwork
from bnode import Node
import pprint

burglary = Node(
    cpt= { 'p' : [0.5,0.5] },

earthquake = Node(
    cpt= { 'p' : [0.5,0.5] },

alarm = Node(
    cpt= {
        ('True', 'True'): [0.95,0.05],
        ('True', 'False'): [0.94,0.06],
        ('False', 'True'): [0.29,0.71],
        ('False', 'False'): [0.001,0.999]

bn = BayesNetwork({'Alarm': alarm, 'Burglary': burglary, 'Earthquake': earthquake}, values=['True','False'])

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(sort_dicts=False)
samples = bn.sampling(5, init={'Burglary': 'True'})



A Bayesian Network implementation from scratch in Python. It features a simple interface that allows the user to define its own custom network and run some experiments on it.







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