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📈 analytics-events
📈 analytics-events
Work related to event tracking in the app.
⚙️ backend
⚙️ backend
This issue requires changes to the backend
🚫 blocked
🚫 blocked
🔷 Blueprint
🔷 Blueprint
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working as expected. This can be an error or an unexpected user experience
📈 chart config
📈 chart config
Issues related to chart types, chart settings, etc.
This issue is related to the CLI tool
🖌️ conditional formatting
🖌️ conditional formatting
Issues related to conditional formatting
🗂 content management
🗂 content management
Issues related to managing charts, dashboards, and other content you create in Lightdash.
💜 customer support
💜 customer support
Tickets created while on support week
Issues related to dashboard building and viewing
Pull requests that update a dependency file
👩‍🎨 design
👩‍🎨 design
👩‍💻 devx
👩‍💻 devx
Improvements to the developer workflow and experience
💬 discussion
💬 discussion
Some ideas need to be discussed before they can become features. This label is for those ideas.
📖 documentation
📖 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
✨ feature-request
✨ feature-request
Request for a new feature or functionality
🚰 filters
🚰 filters
🖥 frontend
🖥 frontend
This issue requires changes to the frontend
⚡️ LightSmash Day
⚡️ LightSmash Day
✍️ needs spec
✍️ needs spec
Label used for issues that still require speccing before they can be picked up.
🏄 onboarding
🏄 onboarding
👋 open-contribution
👋 open-contribution
Issue welcomes contributions from the community
🚨 P1
🚨 P1
Urgent. Critical bug affecting production deployments.
🔐 permissions
🔐 permissions
Issues related to what users can access, how we give users access, and how we manage this access.
👀 QA
👀 QA
PR is in manual QA (sometimes waiting of PR env)
released on @alpha
released on @alpha
🎉 released
🎉 released