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LEXO ACF Image Focus

ACF extension for displaying the images with different proportions in predefined "frame" by setting position, without cropping.

This extension adds a new "LEXO ACF Image Focus" field to Advanced Custom Fields. It works similar to a default ACF Image field.


Release tags are created with Semantic versioning in mind. Commit messages were following convention of Conventional Commits.


  • WordPress version >=4.7. Tested and works fine up to 6.5.2.
  • PHP version >=7.4.1. Tested and works fine up to 8.3.0.
  • Minimum major ACF version 5. Tested and works fine up to 6.2.9.


  1. Go to the latest release.
  2. Under Assets, click on the link named Version x.y.z. It's a compiled build.
  3. Extract zip file and copy the folder into your wp-content/plugins folder and activate LEXO ACF Image Focus in plugins admin page. Alternatively, you can use downloaded zip file to install it directly from your plugin admin page.


Use it as any other ACF field.

Selecting return format: (1) Image Array and (2) Image Element.

(1) Selecting Image Size of the image used in frontend
(2) Selecting Image Aspect Ratio of the image used in frontend and in the "frame" as well.

(1) "Frame" over the image in desired aspect ratio. In our example that "frame" has aspect ratio of 1.7 over the portrait image. "Frame" can be dragged to desired position.

Final result in the frontend. Image uses selected image size (Medium in our example) but only the area selected by "frame" is shown, no additional crops of the image are being made.

Return values

Image array

Return value is array with folowing elements:

  • (int) image_id - ID of the image.
  • (string) field_name - ACF field name.
  • (string) field_key - ACF field key.
  • (string) image_size - Image size.
  • (float) position_x - Value (percentage) of the X-axis (equivalent to left).
  • (float) position_y - Value (percentage) of the Y-axis (equivalent to top).
  • (float) aspect_ratio - Image aspect ratio in frontend.
  • (string) field_classes - Image classes in frontend.
  • (string) url - Image URL.
  • (int) width - Width in pixels.
  • (int) height - Height in pixels.
  • (string) alt - Image alt.
  • (string) author - ID of the image uploader.
  • (string) description - Image description.
  • (string) caption - Image caption.
  • (int) uploaded_to - ID of the post on on which image has been uploaded. If image is not related to any post then it defaults to 0.
  • (string) date - Image upload date.
  • (string) mime_type - Image mime type.
  • (string) subtype - Image subtype.


    [image_id] => 13
    [field_name] => acf_image_focus_field
    [field_key] => field_630b58a621924
    [image_size] => medium
    [position_x] => 0
    [position_y] => 16.13
    [aspect_ratio] => 1.778
    [field_classes] => class1 class2
    [url] => http://acfimagefocus.test/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/test-image-768x599.webp
    [width] => 768
    [height] => 671
    [alt] => 
    [author] => 1
    [description] => 
    [caption] => 
    [uploaded_to] => 0
    [date] => 2023-11-07 08:17:27
    [modified] => 2023-11-07 08:17:27
    [mime_type] => image/webp
    [subtype] => webp

Image element

Return value is <img> tag with already applied Image array.


    class="acf-image-focus class1 class2"
    alt="LEXO ACF Image Focus" 
    style="object-fit: cover; object-position: 0% 16.13%; aspect-ratio: 1.778; height: auto; max-width: 100%"


- acfif/admin/localized-script

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/admin/localized-script', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for localizing acfifAdminLocalized variable in the admin.

- acfif/enqueue/admin-acfif.js

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/enqueue/admin-acfif.js', $args);

  • $args (bool) Printing of the file admin-acfif.js (script id is acfif/admin-acfif.js-js). It also affects printing of the localized acfifAdminLocalized variable.

- acfif/enqueue/admin-acfif.css

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/enqueue/admin-acfif.css', $args);

  • $args (bool) Printing of the file admin-acfif.css (stylesheet id is acfif/admin-acfif.css-css).

- acfif/image/style-attribute

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/style-attribute', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for style attribute of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element.

- acfif/image/style-attribute/name={$acf_field_name}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/style-attribute/name={$acf_field_name}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for style attribute of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element with provided name.

- acfif/image/style-attribute/key={$acf_field_key}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/style-attribute/key={$acf_field_key}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for style attribute of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element with provided key.

- acfif/image/classes

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/classes', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for class attribute of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element.

- acfif/image/classes/name={$acf_field_name}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/classes/name={$acf_field_name}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for class attribute of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element with provided name.

- acfif/image/classes/key={$acf_field_key}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/classes/key={$acf_field_key}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for class attribute of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element with provided key.

- acfif/image/attributes

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/attributes', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for creating all attributes when printing LEXO ACF Image Focus field as image element.

- acfif/image/attributes/name={$acf_field_name}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/attributes/name={$acf_field_name}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for creating all attributes when printing LEXO ACF Image Focus field as image element with provided name.

- acfif/image/attributes/key={$acf_field_key}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/attributes/key={$acf_field_key}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which will be used for creating all attributes when printing LEXO ACF Image Focus field as image element with provided key.

- acfif/image/element

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/element', $args);

  • $args (string) HTML output of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element.

- acfif/image/element/name={$acf_field_name}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/element/name={$acf_field_name}', $args);

  • $args (string) HTML output of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element with provided name.

- acfif/image/element/key={$acf_field_key}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/element/key={$acf_field_key}', $args);

  • $args (string) HTML output of the LEXO ACF Image Focus image element with provided key.

- acfif/image/data

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/data', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which is returned if return type is array.

- acfif/image/data/name={$acf_field_name}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/data/name={$acf_field_name}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which is returned if return type is array for element with provided name.

- acfif/image/data/key={$acf_field_key}

Parameters apply_filters('acfif/image/data/key={$acf_field_key}', $args);

  • $args (array) The array which is returned if return type is array for element with provided key.


- acfif/init

  • Fires on LEXO ACF Image Focus init.

- acfif/localize/admin-acfif.js

  • Fires right before LEXO ACF Image Focus admin script has been enqueued.


This plugin heavily relies on Cropper.js.


Changelog can be seen on latest release.