A Scope & Engine based clean and powerful and customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3
Does not globally pollute Array, Hash, Object or AR::Base.
Easy to use
Just bundle the gem, then your models are ready to be paginated. No configuration. Don’t have to define anything in your models or helpers.
Scope based simple API
Everything is method chainable. No Hash for the query. You know, that’s the Rails 3 way. No special collection class or something for the paginated values but uses a general AR::Relation instance. So, of course you can chain any other conditions before or after the paginator scope.
Engine based customizable helper
As the whole pagination helper is basically just a collection of links and non-links, Kaminari renders each of them through its own partial template inside the Engine. So, you can easily modify their behaviour or style or whatever by overriding partial templates.
3.0.x and 3.1
Put this line in your Gemfile:
gem 'kaminari'
Then bundle:
% bundle
Fetch the 7th page of the users (per_page = 25 by default)
@users = User.page(7)
Show a lot more users per each page (change the per_page value)
@users = User.page(7).per(50)
Typically, your controller code will look like this:
@users = User.page params
In your view
<%= paginate @users %>
Specify the “window” size
# “inner window” (4 by default)
<%= paginate @users, :window => 3 %>
# “outer window” (1 by default)
<%= paginate @users, :outer_window => 3 %>
# outer window can be separetely specified by “left”, “right” (1 by default)
<%= paginate @users, :left => 0, :right => 2 %>
Customize the pagination helper
% rails g kaminari:views
Then edit the partials in your app’s app/views/kaminari/ directory.
Fork, fix, then send me a pull request.
Copyright © 2011 Akira Matsuda. See LICENSE.txt for further details.