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monsterkrampe committed Dec 11, 2024
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Showing 2 changed files with 77 additions and 209 deletions.
194 changes: 55 additions & 139 deletions src/Std/Data/DHashMap/Internal/List/Associative.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2169,12 +2169,12 @@ theorem getKey!_insertList_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]

theorem getKeyD_insertList_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((a : α) × β a)} {k fallback : α}
(h : ( Sigma.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Sigma.fst).contains k = false) :
getKeyD k (insertList l toInsert) fallback = getKeyD k l fallback := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
. exact h
. exact not_contains

theorem getKeyD_insertList_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((a : α) × β a)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2230,103 +2230,6 @@ theorem isEmpty_insertList [BEq α]
variable {β : Type v}

theorem getValue?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)} {k : α}
(not_contains : ( Sigma.fst).contains k = false) :
getValue? k (insertList l toInsert) = getValue? k l := by
rw [← containsKey_eq_contains_map_fst] at not_contains
rw [getValue?_eq_getEntry?, getValue?_eq_getEntry?]
rw [getEntry?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false not_contains]

theorem getValue?_insertList_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β )}
{k k' : α} (k_beq : k == k') {v : β}
(distinct_l : DistinctKeys l)
(distinct_toInsert : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a.1 == b.1) = false))
(mem : ⟨k, v⟩ ∈ toInsert) :
getValue? k' (insertList l toInsert) = v := by
rw [getValue?_eq_getEntry?]
have : getEntry? k' (insertList l toInsert) = getEntry? k' toInsert := by
apply getEntry?_insertList_of_contains_eq_true distinct_l distinct_toInsert
apply containsKey_of_beq _ k_beq
exact containsKey_of_mem mem
rw [← DistinctKeys.def] at distinct_toInsert
rw [getEntry?_of_mem distinct_toInsert k_beq mem] at this
rw [this]

theorem getValue_insertList_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)} {k : α}
(h' : ( Sigma.fst).contains k = false)
{h} :
getValue k (insertList l toInsert) h =
getValue k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertList h h') := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getValue?_eq_some_getValue]
rw [← getValue?_eq_some_getValue]
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false]
exact h'

theorem getValue_insertList_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)}
{k k' : α} (k_beq : k == k') {v : β}
(distinct_l : DistinctKeys l)
(distinct_toInsert : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a.1 == b.1) = false))
(mem : ⟨k, v⟩ ∈ toInsert)
{h} :
getValue k' (insertList l toInsert) h = v := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getValue?_eq_some_getValue]
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_mem]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct_l
. exact distinct_toInsert
. exact mem

theorem getValue!_insertList_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α] [Inhabited β]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)} {k : α}
(h : ( Sigma.fst).contains k = false) :
getValue! k (insertList l toInsert) = getValue! k l := by
simp only [getValue!_eq_getValue?]
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false]
exact h

theorem getValue!_insertList_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited β]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)} {k k' : α} {v: β} (k_beq : k == k')
(distinct_l : DistinctKeys l)
(distinct_toInsert : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a.1 == b.1) = false))
(mem : ⟨k, v⟩ ∈ toInsert):
getValue! k' (insertList l toInsert) = v := by
simp only [getValue!_eq_getValue?]
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_mem]
· rw [Option.get!_some]
· exact k_beq
· exact distinct_l
. exact distinct_toInsert
. exact mem

theorem getValueD_insertList_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)} {k : α} {fallback : β}
(h : ( Sigma.fst).contains k = false) :
getValueD k (insertList l toInsert) fallback = getValueD k l fallback := by
simp only [getValueD_eq_getValue?]
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false]
exact h

theorem getValueD_insertList_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l toInsert : List ((_ : α) × β)} {k k' : α} {v fallback: β} (k_beq : k == k')
(distinct_l : DistinctKeys l)
(distinct_toInsert : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a.1 == b.1) = false))
(mem : ⟨k, v⟩ ∈ toInsert):
getValueD k' (insertList l toInsert) fallback= v := by
simp only [getValueD_eq_getValue?]
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_mem]
· rw [Option.getD_some]
· exact k_beq
· exact distinct_l
. exact distinct_toInsert
. exact mem

-- TODO: this should be unified with Mathlib...
/-- Internal implementation detail of the hash map -/
def Prod.toSigma_HashMapInternal (p : α × β) : ((_ : α) × β) := ⟨p.fst, p.snd⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2360,7 +2263,7 @@ theorem containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListConst [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]

theorem getKey?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α}
(h : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
getKey? k (insertListConst l toInsert) = getKey? k l := by
unfold insertListConst
apply getKey?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false
Expand All @@ -2383,15 +2286,15 @@ theorem getKey?_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]

theorem getKey_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α}
(h' : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false)
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false)
{h} :
getKey k (insertListConst l toInsert) h =
getKey k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListConst h h') := by
getKey k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListConst h not_contains) := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
rw [getKey?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
. exact h'
. exact not_contains

theorem getKey_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)}
Expand All @@ -2411,12 +2314,12 @@ theorem getKey_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]

theorem getKey!_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α}
(h : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
getKey! k (insertListConst l toInsert) = getKey! k l := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
. exact h
. exact not_contains

theorem getKey!_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)}
Expand All @@ -2435,12 +2338,12 @@ theorem getKey!_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]

theorem getKeyD_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k fallback : α}
(h : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
getKeyD k (insertListConst l toInsert) fallback = getKeyD k l fallback := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
. exact h
. exact not_contains

theorem getKeyD_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2480,10 +2383,12 @@ theorem isEmpty_insertListConst [BEq α]

theorem getValue?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α}
(h : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
getValue? k (insertListConst l toInsert) = getValue? k l := by
unfold insertListConst
rw [getValue?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false]
rw [getValue?_eq_getEntry?, getValue?_eq_getEntry?]
rw [getEntry?_insertList_of_contains_eq_false]
rw [containsKey_eq_contains_map_fst]

theorem getValue?_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
Expand All @@ -2494,23 +2399,34 @@ theorem getValue?_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
(mem : ⟨k, v⟩ ∈ toInsert) :
getValue? k' (insertListConst l toInsert) = v := by
unfold insertListConst
apply getValue?_insertList_of_mem (k_beq:=k_beq)
· exact distinct_l
· simpa [List.pairwise_map]
rw [getValue?_eq_getEntry?]
have : getEntry? k' (insertList l ( Prod.toSigma_HashMapInternal)) = getEntry? k' ( Prod.toSigma_HashMapInternal) := by
apply getEntry?_insertList_of_contains_eq_true distinct_l (by simpa [List.pairwise_map])
apply containsKey_of_beq _ k_beq
rw [containsKey_eq_contains_map_fst, List.map_map, Prod.fst_comp_toSigma_HashMapInternal, List.contains_iff_exists_mem_beq]
exists k
rw [List.mem_map]
. exists ⟨k, v⟩
. simp
rw [this]
rw [getEntry?_of_mem _ k_beq _]
. rfl
· simpa [DistinctKeys.def, List.pairwise_map]
. simp only [List.mem_map]
exists (k, v)

theorem getValue_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α}
{h : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false}
{h'} :
getValue k (insertListConst l toInsert) h' =
getValue k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListConst h' h) := by
{not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false}
{h} :
getValue k (insertListConst l toInsert) h =
getValue k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListConst h not_contains) := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getValue?_eq_some_getValue]
rw [← getValue?_eq_some_getValue]
rw [getValue?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false]
exact h
exact not_contains

theorem getValue_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)}
Expand All @@ -2529,11 +2445,11 @@ theorem getValue_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]

theorem getValue!_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α] [Inhabited β]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α}
(h : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
getValue! k (insertListConst l toInsert) = getValue! k l := by
simp only [getValue!_eq_getValue?]
rw [getValue?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false]
exact h
exact not_contains

theorem getValue!_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited β]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k k' : α} {v: β} (k_beq : k == k')
Expand All @@ -2551,11 +2467,11 @@ theorem getValue!_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited β]

theorem getValueD_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k : α} {fallback : β}
(not_mem : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
(not_contains : ( Prod.fst).contains k = false) :
getValueD k (insertListConst l toInsert) fallback = getValueD k l fallback := by
simp only [getValueD_eq_getValue?]
rw [getValue?_insertListConst_of_contains_eq_false]
exact not_mem
exact not_contains

theorem getValueD_insertListConst_of_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × β)} {toInsert : List (α × β)} {k k' : α} {v fallback: β} (k_beq : k == k')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2642,7 +2558,7 @@ theorem containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq

theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
(not_mem : toInsert.contains k = false) :
(not_contains : toInsert.contains k = false) :
getKey? k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey? k l := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit]
Expand All @@ -2652,15 +2568,15 @@ theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
· rw [getKey?_insertEntryIfNew]
· rename_i hd_k
simp at not_mem
simp at not_contains
rcases hd_k with ⟨h,_⟩
rcases not_mem with ⟨h',_⟩
rcases not_contains with ⟨h',_⟩
rw [BEq.symm h] at h'
simp at h'
· rfl
· simp only [List.contains_cons, Bool.or_eq_false_iff] at not_mem
apply And.right not_mem
· simp only [List.contains_cons, Bool.or_eq_false_iff] at not_contains
apply And.right not_contains

theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_mem_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2742,15 +2658,15 @@ theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_of_contains [BEq α] [EquivBEq

theorem getKey_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
{not_mem : toInsert.contains k = false}
{not_contains : toInsert.contains k = false}
{h} :
getKey k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) h =
getKey k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit not_mem h) := by
getKey k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit not_contains h) := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
. exact not_mem
. exact not_contains

theorem getKey_insertListIfNewUnit_of_mem_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2784,62 +2700,62 @@ theorem getKey_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_of_contains [BEq α] [EquivBEq α

theorem getKey!_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
(h : toInsert.contains k = false) :
(not_contains : toInsert.contains k = false) :
getKey! k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey! k l := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
. exact h
. exact not_contains

theorem getKey!_insertListIfNewUnit_of_mem_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k k' : α} (k_beq : k == k')
(distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false))
(mem : k ∈ toInsert) (h': containsKey k l = false) :
(mem : k ∈ toInsert) (h : containsKey k l = false) :
getKey! k' (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = k := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_mem_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [Option.get!_some]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct
. exact mem
. exact h'
. exact h

theorem getKey!_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_of_contains [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k : α}
(distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false))
(mem : toInsert.contains k) (h' : containsKey k l = true) :
(mem : toInsert.contains k) (h : containsKey k l = true) :
getKey! k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey! k l := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_of_contains]
. rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
· exact distinct
· exact mem
· exact h'
· exact h

theorem getKeyD_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k fallback : α}
(h : toInsert.contains k = false) :
(not_contains : toInsert.contains k = false) :
getKeyD k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) fallback = getKeyD k l fallback := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
. exact h
. exact not_contains

theorem getKeyD_insertListIfNewUnit_of_mem_of_contains_eq_false [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k k' fallback : α} (k_beq : k == k')
(distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false))
{mem : k ∈ toInsert } {h': containsKey k l = false} :
{mem : k ∈ toInsert } {h : containsKey k l = false} :
getKeyD k' (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) fallback = k := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_of_mem_of_contains_eq_false]
. rw [Option.getD_some]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct
. exact mem
. exact h'
. exact h

theorem getKeyD_insertListIfNewUnit_of_contains_of_contains [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
Expand Down

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