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This reverts commit 01f5cde.
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bollu committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 01f5cde commit bf9074c
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Showing 4 changed files with 137 additions and 110 deletions.
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions Arm/Memory/Separate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,10 +237,6 @@ theorem mem_legal'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (n : Nat) :
· intros h
apply h.omega_def

theorem mem_legal'.iff_omega' (a : BitVec 64) (n : Nat) :
mem_legal' a n ↔ (a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64) := mem_legal'.iff_omega a n |>.symm

instance : Decidable (mem_legal' a n) :=
if h : a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64 then
isTrue (mem_legal'.of_omega h)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,10 +350,6 @@ theorem mem_separate'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn :
· intros h
apply h.omega_def

theorem mem_separate'.iff_omega' (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : Nat) :
mem_separate' a an b bn ↔ (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ (a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) := mem_separate'.iff_omega a an b bn |>.symm

instance : Decidable (mem_separate' a an b bn) :=
if h : (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ (a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) then
isTrue (mem_separate'.of_omega h)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,10 +434,6 @@ theorem mem_subset'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : N
· intros h
apply h.omega_def

theorem mem_subset'.iff_omega' (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : Nat) :
mem_subset' a an b bn ↔ (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat ≤ a.toNat ∧ a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) := mem_subset'.iff_omega a an b bn |>.symm

instance : Decidable (mem_subset' a an b bn) :=
if h : (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat ≤ a.toNat ∧ a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) then
isTrue (mem_subset'.of_omega h)
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions Arm/Memory/SeparateAutomation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -444,17 +444,9 @@ def omega : SimpMemM Unit := do
-- @bollu: TODO: understand what precisely we are recovering from.
let startTime ← IO.monoMsNow
withoutRecover do
-- TODO: replace this with filling in an MVar, sure, but not like this.
let (ctx, simprocs) ← LNSymSimpContext (config := { failIfUnchanged := false })
(simp_attrs := #[`bv_toNat])
(simprocs := #[])
(useDefaultSimprocs := false)
if let .some goal ← LNSymSimpAtStar (← getMainGoal) ctx simprocs then
replaceMainGoal [goal]
withoutRecover do
evalTactic (← `(tactic| omega))
trace[] m!"{checkEmoji} bv_omega preprocessing automatically solved goal."
evalTactic (← `(tactic| bv_omega))
let endTime ← IO.monoMsNow
pushOmegaTiming g (endTime - startTime)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1151,7 +1143,15 @@ def memOmegaTactic : TacticM Unit := do (cfg := {}) do
let g ← getMainGoal
g.withContext do
let hyps := (← getLocalHyps)
let foundHyps ← SimpMemM.withTraceNode m!"Searching for Hypotheses" do
let mut foundHyps : Array Hypothesis := #[]
for h in hyps do
foundHyps ← hypothesisOfExpr h foundHyps
pure foundHyps

SimpMemM.withMainContext do
let _ ← Hypothesis.addOmegaFactsOfHyps foundHyps.toList #[]
trace[] m!"Executing `omega` to close goal."
SimpMemM.withTraceNode m!"goal (Note: can be large)" do
trace[] "{← getMainGoal}"
Expand Down
187 changes: 125 additions & 62 deletions Proofs/Experiments/Memcpy/MemCpyVCG.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -268,10 +268,11 @@ theorem program.step_8e4_8e8_of_wellformed_of_stepped (scur snext : ArmState)
obtain h_sp_aligned := hscur.h_sp_aligned

have := program.stepi_eq_0x8e4 h_program h_pc h_err
simp [BitVec.extractLsb] at this
obtain ⟨h_step⟩ := hstep
subst h_step
constructor <;> simp only [*, cut, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules]
· constructor <;> simp [*, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory]
· constructor <;> simp [*, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, BitVec.extractLsb]

-- 3/7 (0x8e8#64, 0x3c810444#32), /- str q4, [x2], #16 -/
structure Step_8e8_8ec (scur : ArmState) (snext : ArmState) extends WellFormedAtPc snext 0x8ec : Prop where
Expand All @@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ theorem program.step_8e8_8ec_of_wellformed (scur snext : ArmState)
obtain h_sp_aligned := hscur.h_sp_aligned

have := program.stepi_eq_0x8e8 h_program h_pc h_err
simp [BitVec.extractLsb] at this
obtain ⟨h_step⟩ := hstep
subst h_step
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,10 +335,11 @@ theorem program.step_8ec_8f0_of_wellformed (scur snext : ArmState)
obtain h_sp_aligned := hs.h_sp_aligned

have := program.stepi_eq_0x8ec h_program h_pc h_err
simp [BitVec.extractLsb] at this
obtain ⟨h_step⟩ := hstep
subst h_step
constructor <;> simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [*,
state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, fst_AddWithCarry_eq_sub_neg, memory_rules]
state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, BitVec.extractLsb, fst_AddWithCarry_eq_sub_neg, memory_rules]
· constructor <;> simp [*, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules, memory_rules]

-- 5/7 (0x8f0#64, 0xf100001f#32), /- cmp x0, #0x0 -/
Expand All @@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ theorem program.step_8f0_8f4_of_wellformed (scur snext : ArmState)
obtain h_sp_aligned := hs.h_sp_aligned

have := program.stepi_eq_0x8f0 h_program h_pc h_err
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [BitVec.extractLsb,
fst_AddWithCarry_eq_add] at this
obtain ⟨h_step⟩ := hstep
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,14 +396,14 @@ theorem program.step_8f4_8e4_of_wellformed_of_z_eq_0 (scur snext : ArmState)
obtain h_sp_aligned := hs.h_sp_aligned

have := program.stepi_eq_0x8f4 h_program h_pc h_err
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [BitVec.extractLsb,
fst_AddWithCarry_eq_add] at this
obtain ⟨h_step⟩ := hstep
subst h_step
constructor <;> solve
| simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [*,
state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, fst_AddWithCarry_eq_sub_neg]
state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, BitVec.extractLsb, fst_AddWithCarry_eq_sub_neg]
· constructor <;> simp [*, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules]

-- 6/7 (0x8f4#64, 0x54ffff81#32), /- 8e4 <mem_copy_loop> -/
Expand All @@ -423,73 +426,116 @@ theorem program.step_8f4_8f8_of_wellformed_of_z_eq_1 (scur snext : ArmState)
obtain h_sp_aligned := hs.h_sp_aligned

have := program.stepi_eq_0x8f4 h_program h_pc h_err
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [BitVec.extractLsb,
fst_AddWithCarry_eq_add] at this
obtain ⟨h_step⟩ := hstep
subst h_step
constructor <;>
simp (config := { ground := true, decide := true}) [*, state_simp_rules, h_z,
minimal_theory, fst_AddWithCarry_eq_sub_neg, cut]
minimal_theory, BitVec.extractLsb, fst_AddWithCarry_eq_sub_neg, cut]
· constructor <;> simp [*, h_z, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules, cut]

end CutTheorems

section PartialCorrectness

-- -- set_option skip_proof.skip true in
-- -- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- -- set_option profiler true in
-- set_option maxHeartbeats 0 in
-- theorem Memcpy.extracted_2 (s0 si : ArmState)
-- (h_si_x0_nonzero : si.x0 ≠ 0)
-- (h_s0_x1 : s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0) + 0x10#64 = s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)))
-- (h_s0_x2 : s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0) + 0x10#64 = s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)))
-- (h_assert_1 : si.x0 ≤ s0.x0) (h_assert_3 : si.x1 = s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0))
-- (h_assert_4 : si.x2 = s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0))
-- (h_assert_6 :
-- ∀ (n : Nat) (addr : BitVec 64),
-- mem_separate' s0.x2 (0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0)).toNat addr n →
-- Memory.read_bytes n addr si.mem = Memory.read_bytes n addr s0.mem)
-- (h_assert_5 :
-- ∀ (i : BitVec 64),
-- i < s0.x0 - si.x0 →
-- Memory.read_bytes 16 (s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * i) si.mem = Memory.read_bytes 16 (s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * i) s0.mem)
-- (h_pre_1 : mem_separate' s0.x1 (s0.x0.toNat * 16) s0.x2 (s0.x0.toNat * 16))
-- -- (h_pre_6 : 16 * s0.x0.toNat < 2 ^ 64)
-- (n : Nat)
-- (addr : BitVec 64)
-- (hsep : mem_separate' s0.x2 (0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64))).toNat addr n) :
-- Memory.read_bytes n addr
-- (Memory.write_bytes 16 (s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0))
-- (Memory.read_bytes 16 (s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0)) si.mem) si.mem) =
-- Memory.read_bytes n addr s0.mem := by
-- -- have h_le : (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)).toNat ≤ s0.x0.toNat := by mem_omega
-- have h_upper_bound := hsep.hb.omega_def
-- have h_upper_bound₂ := h_pre_1.hb.omega_def
-- have h_upper_bound₃ := hsep.ha.omega_def
-- -- have h_width_lt : (0x10#64).toNat * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)).toNat < 2 ^ 64 := by
-- -- mem_omega
-- rw [Memory.read_bytes_write_bytes_eq_read_bytes_of_mem_separate']
-- · rw [h_assert_6]
-- sorry
-- -- bv_omega
-- -- skip_proof mem_omega
-- · -- @bollu: TODO: figure out why this is so slow!
-- apply mem_separate'.symm
-- apply mem_separate'.of_subset'_of_subset' hsep
-- · apply mem_subset'.of_omega
-- skip_proof refine ⟨?_, ?_, ?_, ?_
-- · sorry
-- · sorry
-- · sorry
-- · sorry
-- · apply mem_subset'_refl hsep.hb
tactic execution of took 290ms
tactic execution of took 1.81s
tactic execution of simp_mem took 751ms
tactic execution of took 1.11s
tactic execution of took 664ms
tactic execution of took 676ms
instantiate metavars took 7.15s
share common exprs took 3.9s
type checking took 1.47s
process pre-definitions took 440ms
-- set_option skip_proof.skip true in
set_option maxHeartbeats 0 in
-- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- set_option profiler true in
-- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- set_option profiler true in
set_option trace.simp_mem true
set_option true
set_option simp_mem.omegaNumIgnoredTimeouts 0 in
set_option simp_mem.omegaTimeoutMs 1000 in
theorem Memcpy.extracted_2 (s0 si : ArmState)
(h_si_x0_nonzero : si.x0 ≠ 0)
(h_s0_x1 : s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0) + 0x10#64 = s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)))
(h_s0_x2 : s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0) + 0x10#64 = s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)))
(h_assert_1 : si.x0 ≤ s0.x0) (h_assert_3 : si.x1 = s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0))
(h_assert_4 : si.x2 = s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0))
(h_assert_6 :
∀ (n : Nat) (addr : BitVec 64),
mem_separate' s0.x2 (0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0)).toNat addr n →
Memory.read_bytes n addr si.mem = Memory.read_bytes n addr s0.mem)
(h_assert_5 :
∀ (i : BitVec 64),
i < s0.x0 - si.x0 →
Memory.read_bytes 16 (s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * i) si.mem = Memory.read_bytes 16 (s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * i) s0.mem)
(h_pre_1 : mem_separate' s0.x1 (s0.x0.toNat * 16) s0.x2 (s0.x0.toNat * 16))
-- (h_pre_6 : 16 * s0.x0.toNat < 2 ^ 64)
(n : Nat)
(addr : BitVec 64)
(hsep : mem_separate' s0.x2 (0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64))).toNat addr n) :
Memory.read_bytes n addr
(Memory.write_bytes 16 (s0.x2 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0))
(Memory.read_bytes 16 (s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0)) si.mem) si.mem) =
Memory.read_bytes n addr s0.mem := by
have h_le : (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)).toNat ≤ s0.x0.toNat := by bv_omega
have h_upper_bound := hsep.hb.omega_def
have h_upper_bound₂ := h_pre_1.hb.omega_def
have h_upper_bound₃ := hsep.ha.omega_def
have h_width_lt : (0x10#64).toNat * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)).toNat < 2 ^ 64 := by
rw [Memory.read_bytes_write_bytes_eq_read_bytes_of_mem_separate']
· rw [h_assert_6]
skip_proof simp_mem
· -- @bollu: TODO: figure out why this is so slow!
apply mem_separate'.symm
apply mem_separate'.of_subset'_of_subset' hsep
· apply mem_subset'.of_omega
skip_proof refine ⟨?_, ?_, ?_, ?_⟩ <;> skip_proof bv_omega
· apply mem_subset'_refl hsep.hb

tactic execution of took 1.54s
tactic execution of simp_mem took 274ms
tactic execution of took 1.11s
tactic execution of simp_mem took 403ms
tactic execution of took 302ms
tactic execution of took 284ms
tactic execution of took 4.25s
tactic execution of simp_mem took 1.96s
tactic execution of took 8.95s
tactic execution of simp_mem took 1.68s
tactic execution of took 102ms
tactic execution of took 1.9s
tactic execution of simp_mem took 318ms
tactic execution of took 322ms
tactic execution of took 115ms
tactic execution of took 101ms
instantiate metavars took 30s
share common exprs took 16.7s
fix level params took 118ms
type checking took 4.37s
process pre-definitions took 5.44s

set_option maxHeartbeats 0
-- set_option skip_proof.skip true in
set_option maxHeartbeats 0 in
-- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- set_option profiler true in
-- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- set_option profiler true in
set_option true
set_option simp_mem.omegaNumIgnoredTimeouts 9999 in
-- set_option simp_mem.omegaTimeoutMs 1000 in
theorem Memcpy.extracted_0 (s0 si : ArmState)
(h_si_x0_nonzero : si.x0 ≠ 0)
(h_s0_x1 : s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0) + 0x10#64 = s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - (si.x0 - 0x1#64)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,9 +569,9 @@ theorem Memcpy.extracted_0 (s0 si : ArmState)
apply And.intro
· intros i hi
have h_subset_2 : mem_subset' s0.x2 (0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0)).toNat s0.x2 (s0.x0.toNat * 16) := by
skip_proof mem_omega
skip_proof simp_mem
have h_subset_1 : mem_subset' (s0.x1 + 0x10#64 * (s0.x0 - si.x0)) 16 s0.x1 (s0.x0.toNat * 16) := by
skip_proof mem_omega
skip_proof simp_mem
have icases : i = s0.x0 - si.x0 ∨ i < s0.x0 - si.x0 := by skip_proof bv_omega
have s2_sum_inbounds := h_pre_1.hb.omega_def
have i_sub_x0_mul_16 : 16 * i.toNat < 16 * s0.x0.toNat := by skip_proof bv_omega
Expand All @@ -536,13 +582,13 @@ theorem Memcpy.extracted_0 (s0 si : ArmState)
· simp only [Nat.reduceMul, BitVec.toNat_add, BitVec.toNat_mul, BitVec.toNat_ofNat,
Nat.reducePow, Nat.reduceMod, BitVec.toNat_sub, Nat.add_mod_mod, Nat.sub_self,
BitVec.extractLsBytes_eq_self, BitVec.cast_eq]
rw [h_assert_6 _ _ (by mem_omega)]
· skip_proof mem_omega
rw [h_assert_6 _ _ (by simp_mem)]
· skip_proof simp_mem
· rw [Memory.read_bytes_write_bytes_eq_read_bytes_of_mem_separate']
· apply h_assert_5 _ hi
· constructor
· skip_proof mem_omega
· skip_proof mem_omega
· skip_proof simp_mem
· skip_proof simp_mem
· left
-- @bollu: TODO, see if `simp_mem` can figure this out given less aggressive
-- proof states.
Expand All @@ -559,6 +605,23 @@ theorem Memcpy.extracted_0 (s0 si : ArmState)
· intros n addr hsep
apply Memcpy.extracted_2 <;> assumption

tactic execution of took 616ms
tactic execution of took 1.1s
tactic execution of Lean.Parser.Tactic.assumption took 114ms
instantiate metavars took 14.7s
share common exprs took 1.94s
type checking took 988ms

set_option maxHeartbeats 0 in
set_option trace.profiler true in
set_option profiler true in
set_option maxHeartbeats 0 in
set_option true in
set_option simp_mem.omegaNumIgnoredTimeouts 9999 in
-- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- set_option profiler true in
-- set_option trace.profiler true in
-- set_option profiler true in
theorem partial_correctness :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,7 +740,7 @@ theorem partial_correctness :
simp only [memory_rules] at h_si_read_sep
rw [h_si_read_sep]
rw [h_si_x0_eq_zero]
skip_proof simp_mem -- nice!
skip_proof sorry -- nice!
· simp only [step.h_err, step.h_program, step.h_sp_aligned, and_self]
· have step_8f4_8e4 :=
program.step_8f4_8e4_of_wellformed_of_z_eq_0 si s1 si_well_formed
Expand Down

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