This service can be used to publish regulatory attachments
It provides 5 endpoints
A taskified enpoint which publishes the regulatory attachment with the provided uuid, the published info will have the following structure:
$reglementUri ext:publishedVersion ?publishedContainer.
?publishedContainer ext:currentVersion ?currentVersion.
?currentVersion a ext:PublishedRegulatoryAttachment;
ext:content ?file;
pav:createdOn ?date;
pav:lastUpdateOn ?date;
pav:previousVersion ?previousVersion;
ext:container ?publishedContainer.
Being ?file the rdfa structure of a file per the file-service documentation
This endpoint checks the state of a task created by the previous endpoint
Previews a published regulatory attachment, it just returns a json with the content of said regulatory attachment
Previews a regulatory attachment container
Invalidates the specified regulatory attachment, it just adds a schema:validThrough
property with todays date to indicate that the publication is no longer valid
image: lblod/reglement-publish-service:0.0.1
- database:database
- ./data/files/:/share/
- make sure all relevant PRs have the appropriate labels according to lerna-changelog.
npm run release
- check the changelog and follow the prompts. Say yes to tagging and creating a github release.