This follows a digital ocean tutorial on creating a Rails app with a React front end, by Chuks Opia. Postgres is dev and prod db. The project is a collection of recipes, where the user can View, Create and Delete recipes. Styling is with Bootstrap 4.
It is built with Ruby 2.6.3 on Rails 5.2.3 on a mac, browser tested on safari and chrome
Have or follow instructions (I've provided the link to macOS) to install the following apps:
node.js and npm installed on your machine
Yarn package manger to download React
PostgreSQL Follow steps 1 and 2.
Create new rails app specifying to use postgres for the db, and webpack bundler for React and rails version 5.2.3
Configure the config/database.yml file for the user role and db specified in setup
Install React Router, Bootstrap, jQuery and Popper for the front-end
Set up the Homepage index as root route
Configure Rails to use React for the front-end
Add Recipe, controller and model, requiring name, ingredients and instruction
Build out Index, Create, Show, Delete routes and views
From the terminal: Clone the repo and change to that directory:
$ git clone
Install the gems locally:
$ bundle install
Create databases:
$ rails db:create
(builds a development and testing database)
Run migrations:
$ rails db:migrate
Seed database with initial 9 recipes: (optional). It runs the code found in ~/rails_react_recipe/db/seeds.rb
$ rails db:seed
To run your server locally
$ rails s
By default the application will listen on port 3000. Nav to http://localhost:3000 to see the app in the browser.
To shut down the server use Ctrl-C
I plan to add in the following functionality:
- User login
- Admin role
- Edit recipe
- Verify delete
- Add Comments
- Upload photos