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Pastrami is a lightweight solution for securely storing encrypted text. It is designed to provide a quick and efficient way to store sensitive information, ensuring that each piece of data is encrypted using its own unique item ID as the encryption key.


  • Memory-Only database: Pastrami can operate entirely in memory, offering fast access and retrieval of encrypted text without persisting data to disk.
  • Item ID Encryption: Each piece of text is encrypted using its corresponding item ID. This ensures that the encryption key is unique to each stored item, enhancing the security of your sensitive data.
  • Simple and Lightweight: The service is designed to be easy to use and does not impose unnecessary complexity. Integration with your applications or systems is straightforward.

Getting started

To use the Pastrami web service, follow these steps:

git clone
cd pastrami
poetry install

After Pastrami is installed, you can launch it as follows:

cp pastrami.conf.sample pastrami.conf
poetry run pastrami

CLI arguments

By default Pastrami binds to port 8080 on localhost. Settings can be changed via CLI:

$ poetry run pastrami -h
usage: pastrami [-h] [-d] [HOST] [PORT]

A lightweight solution for securely storing encrypted text.

positional arguments:
  HOST         Host to bind to. Default:
  PORT         Port to bind to. Default: 8080

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug  Turns uviconr debugging on

Configuration file name is hardcoded: pastrami.conf


To use pastrami with Docker or Podman, follow these steps:

podman build -t pastrami:latest .
cp pastrami.conf.sample pastrami.conf
podman run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/pastrami.conf:/tmp/pastrami.conf pastrami -d


Access web frontend at http://localhost:8080. Write text and hit ctrl+s to save.

API endpoints

You can use API endpoints to save and retrieve text. If pastrami_docs is set to true in pastrami.conf, then swagger is available at http://localhost:8080/docs/.

Formatting options:

By default Text content is formated as HTML page and colorized with Google Code Prettify stylesheet. Other formatting options can be returned by attaching an extension at the end of the URL:

  • No extension: Google Code Prettify (default)
  • .txt: Regular text file
  • .md: Content is interpreted as Markdown and rendered as HTML