A Clojure library that implements a functional effect system, akin to Effect.ts, Scala's ZIO, or Haskell's IO monad.
Using Clojure's elegant syntax and macros provides a simple and powerful way to model side effects in a pure functional
For example composing effects can be simply done using the ->>
Functions in fx
that return effects are suffixed with >
, and functions that evaluate effects are suffixed with !
You can require
the core namespace and use the following functions:
(ns my-ns
(:require [com.lambdaseq.fx :as fx]))
(->> (fx/succeed> 42)
; maps the value of the previous effect
(fx/map> inc)
; maps the value of the previous effect, but returns a new effect.
(fx/mapcat> (fn [x] (fx/succeed> (* x 2))))
;; => 86
effects short circuit on the first error, and can be used to model side effects in a pure functional way.
(->> (fx/fail! :error {})
(fx/map> (fn [_] (println "This does not print" 42)))
;; => #com.lambdaseq.fx.core.Failure {:data {}, :type :error}
An elegant way to do conditionals is also provided by the following functions:
; Using the `fx/if>` function
(->> (fx/succeed> 42)
(fx/if> even?
(constantly (fx/succeed> "even"))
(constantly (fx/fail> :odd {})))
;; => "even"
You can also declare reusable effects using the pipeline>>
(def inc-twice>
(fx/map> inc)
(fx/map> inc)))
which is the same as writing:
(defn inc-twice> [x]
(->> x
(fx/map> inc)
(fx/map> inc)))
You can handle errors using the fx/catch>
(->> (fx/fail! :error {:value 42})
{:error (fn [{:keys [value]}] (fx/succeed> value))})
;; => "error"
or catch all errors using the fx/catchall>
(->> (fx/fail! :error {:value 42})
(fn [e] (fx/succeed> (str "Caught error: " e))))
;; => "Caught error: #com.lambdaseq.fx.core.Failure {:data {:value 42}, :type :error}"
We intend to add the following features in the future:
- Different runtimes and run strategies (similar to Effect.ts or ZIO's
). - Build a suite of concurrency and parallelism primitives on top of
. - Build helpers for common Clojure libraries that use side effects (ring/pedestal, next.jdbc, etc), and extend them potentially into a full webstack.
- Build a suite of monitoring and tracing tools using
primitives. - Integrate with typedclojure, for a complete type safe effect system.
Copyright © 2024 LambdaSeq Works LTD.,
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.