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A network interface for Apollo that enables file-uploading to Absinthe back ends.

Support for Apollo Client v2

This package does not support Apollo Client v2. Please use apollo-absinthe-upload-link instead.

Difference between apollo-upload-client and apollo-absinthe-upload-client

Both Apollo, through apollo-upload-server, and Absinthe support file-uploads through GraphQL-mutations, unfortunately, they differ in their protocol.


Install via yarn or npm and then use createNetworkInterface from the package in the construction of your ApolloClient-instance.

import ApolloClient from "apollo-client";
import { createNetworkInterface } from "apollo-absinthe-upload-client";

const client = new ApolloClient({
    networkInterface: createNetworkInterface({
        uri: "/graphql"

Usage with React Native

React Native is not supported out of the box, because React Native is very liberal in what it accepts as files, and because this library is designed to be as light as possible. Nevertheless, usage with React Native is possible. All you have to do is to define a function that checks if a value is a file that you want to upload. This function should be passed into createNetworkInterface under the key isUploadFile.

A simple example, that checks if an object contains the required uri attribute.

import {
} from "apollo-absinthe-upload-client";

function isReactNativeUploadFile(value: any): value is UploadFile {
    return value && typeof value === "object" && value.uri != null;

    uri: "/graphql",
    isUploadFile: isReactNativeUploadFile

We recommend to explicitly wrap files, that you want to upload from React Native, in a ReactNativeFile-class similar to the following. Only checking for the existence of the uri-attribute might lead to false positives.

class ReactNativeFile {
    public name: string;
    public uri: string;
    public type: string;

    constructor({ name, uri, type }) { = name;
        this.uri = uri;
        this.type = type;

function isReactNativeUploadFile(value: any): value is UploadFile {
    return value instanceof ReactNativeFile;

Optional dependencies

This library uses fetch, if you target older browsers you can polyfill both.


