Node.js >= 6.x is required
This is small Node.js utility that enumerates files by pattern and runs any shell or JS command for every file. It is cross-platform and should work under Linux, OS X and Windows.
It is primarily intended for NPM used as a task runner (look for "npm run ..." command and "scripts" section of package.json).
npm install --save-dev run-for-every-file
Run as shell command
run-for-every-file --src '...' --dest '...' --file '...' --not-file '...' --run '...'
- source directory. Example: --src ./src/
- destination directory. Example: --dest ./dist/prod/
- file pattern. Example: --file '**/*.js'
- gets all *.js files recursively.
Patterns use "glob" syntax:
- shell command. Example: echo {{src-file}}
- outputs name of every source file to the screen
- JavaScript command. Example: console.log('{{src-file}}')
- the same as above
- file anti-pattern. Example: --not-file '**/*.min.js'
Both --file
and --not-file
can be used multiple times in one command. Think about them as joined by logical AND.
- enable glob's dot
setting to include names starting with dots, such as .gitignore
. Example: --file * --dot
- use with --dot
to filter out non-file names, such as .vscode/
directories. Example: --file */* --dot --only-files
- path to exact source file. Example: "./src/app/js/main.js"
- path to exact destination file. Example: "./dist/prod/app/js/main.js"
- relative file path. Example: "app/js/main.js"
- only path part of {{file}}
. Example: "app/js" (without trailing "/")
- base file name. Example: "main"
- file extension. Example: "js"
- file name with extension. Example: "main.js"
Also, you can pass custom param with any other name and it will be available as variable {{your-param-name-here}}
- Use trailing slash "/" in directory paths:
--src ./src/
(not just--src ./src
). - Enclose params into quotes to prevent substitution of globs by OS:
--file '**/*.js'
(not just--file **/*.js
). For Linux both single ('...'
) and double ("..."
) quotes are Ok, but Windows allows only double quotes in command line.
This example command will copy all *.js files (excluding *.min.js files) from "./src/" recursively to "./dist/prod/" (without dir structure):
run-for-every-file --src ./src/ --dest ./dist/prod/ --file '**/*.js' --not-file '**/*.min.js' --run 'shx cp -f {{src-file}} {{dest}}{{file-name-ext}}'
is Node.js utility that makes some *nix commands available cross-platform:
The following package.json includes almost all possible usages of params and variables. Also it is a quite useful example of NPM-based build tool.
Actions performed here are
- Clean destination dir;
- Clone dir structure inside destination dir;
- Clean up and minify js (except already minified *.min.js files);
- Clean up and minify html;
- Clean up and minify css;
- Clean up and minify json;
- Build JS source maps (only for "qa" build);
- Copy other files (images and so on) to destination dir.
It can be run from command prompt by "npm run build:qa" or "npm run build:prod".
It is adopted to be used on Windows (so there are many escaped double quotes inside (\"
"name": "my-application",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "My Application",
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --config ./webpack.config.js",
"start:dev": "npm run start -- --content-base \"./src/\"",
"start:qa": "npm run start -- --content-base \"./dist/qa/\"",
"start:prod": "npm run start -- --content-base \"./dist/prod/\"",
"clean": "shx rm -rf",
"clean:dev": "npm run clean -- \"./dist/dev/*\"",
"clean:qa": "npm run clean -- \"./dist/qa/*\"",
"clean:prod": "npm run clean -- \"./dist/prod/*\"",
"make-dir": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*/\" --run \"shx mkdir -p {{dest-file}}\"",
"make-dir:dev": "npm run make-dir -- --dest \"./dist/dev/\"",
"make-dir:qa": "npm run make-dir -- --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
"make-dir:prod": "npm run make-dir -- --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
"minify-js:qa": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --dest \"./dist/qa/\" --file \"**/*.js\" --not-file \"**/*.min.js\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"uglifyjs {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}} --compress drop_console --mangle --screw-ie8 --source-map {{dest-file}}.map --source-map-url /{{file}}.map --prefix 2 --source-map-include-sources\"",
"minify-js:prod": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --dest \"./dist/prod/\" --file \"**/*.js\" --not-file \"**/*.min.js\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"uglifyjs {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}} --compress drop_console --mangle --screw-ie8\"",
"minify-css": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*.css\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"cleancss {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}} --skip-import\"",
"minify-css:qa": "npm run minify-css -- --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
"minify-css:prod": "npm run minify-css -- --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
"minify-html": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*.html\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"html-minifier -c ./html-minifier.config.json {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}}\"",
"minify-html:qa": "npm run minify-html -- --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
"minify-html:prod": "npm run minify-html -- --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
"minify-json": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*.json\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run-js \"var fs = require(\\\"fs\\\"); fs.writeFileSync(\\\"{{dest-file}}\\\", JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(\\\"{{src-file}}\\\", {encoding: \\\"utf8\\\"}))));\"",
"minify-json:qa": "npm run minify-json -- --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
"minify-json:prod": "npm run minify-json -- --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
"copy-others": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/!(*.js|*.css|*.html|*.json)\" --file \"**/*.min.js\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"shx cp -f {{src-file}} {{dest-file}}\"",
"copy-others:dev": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --dest \"./dist/dev/\" --file \"**/*\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"shx cp -f {{src-file}} {{dest-file}}\"",
"copy-others:qa": "npm run copy-others -- --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
"copy-others:prod": "npm run copy-others -- --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
"build:dev": "npm run clean:dev && npm run make-dir:dev && npm run copy-others:dev",
"build:qa": "npm run clean:qa && npm run make-dir:qa && npm run minify-js:qa && npm run minify-css:qa && npm run minify-html:qa && npm run minify-json:qa && npm run copy-others:qa",
"build:prod": "npm run clean:prod && npm run make-dir:prod && npm run minify-js:prod && npm run minify-css:prod && npm run minify-html:prod && npm run minify-json:prod && npm run copy-others:prod"
"devDependencies": {
"clean-css": "^3.4.18",
"html-minifier": "^2.1.6",
"run-for-every-file": "^1.0.0",
"shx": "^0.1.2",
"uglify-js": "^2.6.4"
Other tools used in this example are
- shx/ShellJS:
- UglifyJS 2:
- clean-css:
- HTMLMinifier: