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Hi there! I'm Sanjeev 👋


🎯 About Me

class Sanjeev:
    def __init__(self):
        self.role = "Python Developer"
        self.current_work = "Instagram Chat Bot"
        self.learning = ["Python Advanced", "Automation", "AI/ML"]
        self.interests = ["Bot Development", 
                         "Process Automation", 
                         "Open Source"]
        self.fun_fact = "I can code for hours with just coffee and music! 🎵☕"
    def say_hi(self):
        print("Thanks for dropping by! Let's build something amazing together!")

    def get_goals_2024(self):
        return [
            "Master Advanced Python Concepts",
            "Contribute to Major Open Source Projects",
            "Build Impactful Automation Tools",
            "Expand Tech Stack",
            "Share Knowledge through Tech Blogs"
    def get_daily_routine(self):
        return ["☀️ Code", "🎯 Learn", "🔄 Repeat"]

🌟 Quick Highlights

  • 🔭 Currently working on: Instagram Chat Bot
  • 🌱 Learning: Advanced Python, AI/ML
  • 💬 Ask me about: Python, Automation, Bot Development
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I automate everything I can!
  • 🎮 When not coding: Playing Chess ♟️ or Reading Tech Blogs 📚

🚀 Featured Projects

Instagram Bot CTC Calculator

💻 Tech Stack

Languages & Frameworks

Python JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Flask Django FastAPI

Tools & Platforms

Git VS Code GitHub Heroku Docker Postman AWS


MongoDB MySQL SQLite Redis

Testing & CI/CD

Pytest GitHub Actions Jenkins

💡 Core Skills

    "Languages": ["Python 🐍", "JavaScript 🌐", "HTML/CSS 🎨"],
    "Frameworks": ["Django 🎯", "Flask ⚡", "FastAPI 🚀"],
    "Databases": ["MongoDB 🍃", "MySQL 🐬", "Redis ⚡"],
    "Tools": ["Docker 🐳", "Git 📚", "AWS ☁️"],
    "Interests": ["Automation 🤖", "Bot Development 🔧", "Open Source 💻"]

📊 GitHub Stats

GitHub Stats GitHub Streak

📈 Coding Activity

Activity Graph

🌐 Weekly Development

Productive Time Top Languages
Random Dev Quote

🎯 Achievements & Metrics


📊 GitHub Stats

GitHub Stats GitHub Streak
Top Languages

🏆 GitHub Trophies


🌐 Let's Connect

LinkedIn Website GitHub Gmail

📈 Profile Views

"Code is poetry written in logic" 🎭

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    Youtube Thumbnail Downloader

    TypeScript 1

  3. YoutubetoSpotifyPlaylistConverter YoutubetoSpotifyPlaylistConverter Public

    TypeScript 1

  4. Public

    My Small Portfolio
