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ImageTool - Perform simple operations on images and animated GIFs.


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Perform simple operations on images and animated GIFs.


List images with their dimensions.


-r, -R - Recursively list images in subdirectories encountered.

Sample output:

$ listimages .
Width	Height	Left	Top	Right	Bottom	Frames	Name
98	110	0	0	0	0	4	./000 Reimu.gif
128	118	0	0	0	0	4	./001 Marisa.gif
512	512	0	0	0	0		./lena.png
258	200	0	0	0	0		./RGB_24bits_palette_color_test_chart.png
150	200	0	0	0	0		./RGB_24bits_palette_sample_image.jpg
224	56	2	2	6	2		./sisters-in-name.png
56	56	3	2	5	2		./too-school-for-cool.png
375	230	0	0	0	0	8	./xFRcRZI.gif
3000	230	0	0	0	0		./xFRcRZI.gif.png

total 9

Width	Height	Left	Top	Right	Bottom	Frames	Name
56	56	0	0	0	0		(min)
3000	512	3	2	6	2		(max)


Perform simple transformations on images and animated GIFs.

Options for transformations:

-a, --addmargin top left bottom right - Adds the specified number of empty pixels to each edge of the image.

-b, --backgroundcolor color - Renders the image on top of the specified background color. Color must be a string of 3, 4, 6, or 8 hexadecimal digits. (Not currently supported for GIFs.)

-c, --canvassize width height anchor - Changes the width and height of the image without scaling the image. Anchor is NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or CENTER.

-d, --flipdiagonal - Flips the image about its diagonal, i.e. swaps the x and y axes.

-g, --grayscale - Converts the image to grayscale according to the following formula: gray = 0.30 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue

-h, --fliphorizontal - Flips the image horizontally, i.e. about the vertical axis.

-i, --invert - Inverts the colors of the image.

-j, --invertgrays threshold - Inverts each color of the image only if it is sufficiently desaturated. Threshold varies from 0 (invert nothing) to 256 (invert everything).

-k, --colorize color - Recolors the image using tints and shades of the specified color. Color must be a string of 3, 4, 6, or 8 hexadecimal digits.

-l, --rotateleft - Rotates the image counter-clockwise. Alias for --flipdiagonal --flipvertical.

-m, --removemargin top left bottom right - Removes the specified number of pixels from each edge of the image.

-p, --pebble - Converts the colors of the image to the Pebble color palette.

-r, --rotateright - Rotates the image clockwise. Alias for --flipdiagonal --fliphorizontal.

-s, --scale sx sy - Scales the image by the specified factors horizontally and vertically.

-t, --trim top left bottom right - Removes transparent pixels from the specified edges of the image. Each parameter is either TRUE or FALSE.

-u, --rotate180 - Rotates the image 180 degrees. Alias for --fliphorizontal --flipvertical.

-v, --flipvertical - Flips the image vertically, i.e. about the horizontal axis.

-w, --websafe - Converts the colors of the image to the web-safe color palette.

-x, --speed multiplier - Speeds up or slows down an animation. Has no effect on static images.

-z, --imagesize width height - Scales the image to the specified width and height.

Options for output:

-f, --format format - Specifies the output format of the transformed image. Default is gif if the original is gif or png otherwise.

-o, --output path - Specifies the output file or directory path for the transformed image.


Convert between static images and animated GIFs.

Options for input:

-ica, --inputcellanchor anchor - Sets the position of images read from a directory. Anchor is NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or CENTER.

-icb, --inputcellorigin x y - Determines the position of the first frame within a static image.

-ics, --inputcellsize width height - Determines the width and height of each frame within a static image.

-icd, --inputcelldelta dx dy - Determines the X and Y offset between each frame within a static image.

-icc, --inputcellcount columns rows - Determines the number of frames horizontally and vertically.

-ico, --inputcellorder order - Determines the ordering of frames (LTR-TTB, TTB-LTR, etc.).

Options for transformations:

-D, --durations list of frame durations - Sets the duration of each frame in the final output, e.g. "1;0.5;3.14" to set the duration of frames 1, 2, and 3 to one second, half a second, and 3.14 seconds, respectively. The list is repeated until the number of frames in the animation is reached when applied.

-F, --frames list of frame indices - Determines which frames will appear in the final output, e.g. "1-4;7;2" for frames 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 2 again, in that order.

All of the options for transformations used with TransformImages can also be used with ConvertAnimation.

Options for output:

-f, --format format - Specifies the output format of the converted animation. Default is "d" for a directory of still frames.

-n, --loopcount count - Specifies the number of times an animation loops (for animated GIFs).

-o, --output path - Specifies the output file or directory path for the converted animation.

-ocb, --outputcellorigin x y - Determines the position of the first frame within a static image.

-ocd, --outputcelldelta dx dy - Determines the X and Y offset between each frame within a static image.

-occ, --outputcellcount columns rows - Determines the number of frames horizontally and vertically.

-oco, --outputcellorder order - Determines the ordering of frames (LTR-TTB, TTB-LTR, etc.).

-ois, --outputimagesize width height - Determines the total width and height of the static image.