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1. Introduction:

Krayin Zoom Integration.

It packs in lots of demanding features that allows your business to scale in no time:

  • Admin user can connect to their zoom account.
  • User can create zoom meeting link directly from activity form

2. Requirements:

  • Krayin: v2.0.0 or higher.

3. Installation:

  • Go to the root folder of Krayin and run the following command
composer require krayin/krayin-zoom-integration
  • Run these commands below to complete the setup
php artisan migrate
php artisan route:cache
php artisan vendor:publish --force

-> Search for **ZoomMeetingServiceProvider** and then press enter to publish all assets and configurations.

4. Configuration:

  • Goto .env file and add following lines

Please make sure you have to add these scopes into your zoom app:

  • user:read:user:admin
  • user:read:user
  • Goto config/services.php file and add following lines
return [
    // ...
    'zoom' => [
        // Our Zoom API credentials.
        'client_id'     => env('ZOOM_CLIENT_ID'),
        'client_secret' => env('ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET'),
        // The URL to redirect to after the OAuth process.
        'redirect_uri'  => env('ZOOM_REDIRECT_URI'),
  • Goto config/krayin-vite.php file and add following lines.

return [

    'viters' => [
        // ...

        'zoom_meeting' => [
            'hot_file'                 => '',
            'build_directory'          => 'zoom/build',
            'package_assets_directory' => 'src/Resources/assets',
  • Goto routes/breadcrumbs.php file and add following lines.
Breadcrumbs::for('zoom.meeting.create', function (BreadcrumbTrail $trail) {
    $trail->push(trans('zoom_meeting::app.zoom.index.title'), route('admin.zoom_meeting.index'));

5. Clear Cache:

php artisan cache:clear

php artisan config:cache

That's it, now just execute the project on your specified domain.