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@BartArys BartArys released this 20 Nov 11:57


Discord V8 8️⃣☑️

This update migrates Kord to the Discord V8 API, users who mostly operate inside the core module
will probably not notice many changes, outside of intents now being a mandatory field.
An overview on what has officially changed can be found on Discord.

Optionals ❓

Kord now knows the difference between null and missing. Common, Gateway, Rest and Core's xData entities now make the distinction between a field that was not part of the json payload and one that was set as null. This means that requests will now also be able to properly serialize null when trying to 'unset' a value (like a member's nickname).

Snowflakes are no longer inline ❄️

Snowflake have graduated to proper classes and can now be serialized, which means we are now able to use them in lower levels of our API as well.


  • Updated API to Discord V8. #108
  • Introduced Optionals in lower level API and core xData classes. #108 #95
  • De-inlined Snowflake and implemented it into the lower level API. #108
  • Rewrote AuditLog and its child classes and introduced them to to core. #108
  • Kord#events is now a SharedFlow which can be configured via KordBuilder#eventFlow. #102
  • Image now supports image sizes that are common for Discord image resources. #98
  • java.awt.Color has been replaced with com.gitlab.kordlib.common.Color. #5
  • core Entities should have a meaningful toString representation. #88
  • Request builders no longer have lateinit fields, these are now required arguments in the builder DSLs. #108
  • Permissions and Intents now have more and easier constructors. #103


  • RestRequestException now holds a reference to an (optional) DiscordErrorResponse with a more specific error message and code.
  • PremiumTier now has a maxEmotes field. #74
  • Added a getDmChannelOrNull to UserBehavior to safely try and open a DmChannel with a user. #111


  • GuildBehavior#getVanityUrl will now correctly return null when the guild does not have a vanity url.
  • Voice channels can now change their topic.


  • Kotlin 1.4.0 -> 1.4.10
  • ktor 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
  • kotlinx.serialization 1.0.0-RC -> 1.0.0
  • kotlinx.coroutines 1.3.9 -> 1.4.0
  • kotlinLogging 1.7.10 -> 2.0.3