A series of hands-on tutorials to understand GraphQL, AppSync and Vue.js. You will learn the basic GraphQL and AWS AppSync
Hands-on Tutorial This tutorial guides you to create a basic graphql API using the apollo-server-express. It contains only one index.js file with API schema defnition, mock-up data and a local express server with graphql plugin. You will learn GrpahQL query.
Hands-on Tutorial This tutorial guides you to create a basic graphql API using the apollo-server-express. It contains 2 sets of API schema defnition, one of which contains a local storage. You will learn GrpahQL query and mutation.
Hands-on Tutorial This tutorial guides you to create vue application with graphql apollo support. It uses the messaging API from apollo-express-study. You will learn GrpahQL query, mutation, subscription.
Hands-on Tutorial This tutorial guides you to 1) create vue application with graphql apollo support, 2) create AWS AppSync backend manually. You will learn GrpahQL on a cloud backend.
Based on Part IV add a new feature of editing a book's author name