This hands-on guide has been used by IoT, Manufacture, Telecom customers to give a better view how they could easily use the imported data with Glue by using this managed ETL service with spark.
The used data is published by AWS officially.
Use the AWS management console or AWS CLI
- Service -> S3 -> Create Bucket => <your_workshop_bucket>
- Create a folder 'cfn' under <your_workshop_bucket>
+-- cfn
- Resources.VPCStack.Properties.TemplateURL => https://<your_workshop_bucket>
- Resources.IAMStack.Properties.TemplateURL => https://<your_workshop_bucket>
- Resources.SecurityGroupStack.Properties.TemplateURL => https://<your_workshop_bucket>
- Service -> CloudFormation -> Create new task
- Select template -> Specify an Amazon S3 template URL => https://<your_workshop_bucket>
- Stack name: aws-glue-study
- Input proper UserName and UserPassword
- Check on: I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
- Wait until status changed to "CREATE_COMPLETE"
You will see stacks like:
aws-glue-study-SecurityGroupStack-XXXXXXXXXXXXX [NESTED]
aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXXXXXXXX [NESTED]
aws-glue-study-VPCStack-XXXXXXXXXXXX [NESTED]
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Crawlers -> Add Crawler
- Crawler name: crawl_public_flight_csv
- Data store: s3://crawler-public-ap-northeast-1/flight/2016/csv/
- Choose an existing IAM role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
- Frequency: Run on demand
- Output Database: flight_data
- Prefix added to tables: public_
- Run the crawler
- Service -> Athena -> Execute query
select count(1) from public_csv
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Jobs -> Add job
- Name: job_import_csv
- IAM Role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
- This job runs: A proposed script generated by AWS Glue
- ETL language: Python
- Script file name: job_import_csv
- S3 path where the script is stored: default value
- Data source: flight_data.public_csv
- Data target: Create tables in your data target
Data store: Amazon S3
Format: CSV
Compression type: gzip
Target path: s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/flight_csv/
- Save job and edit scripts
- Run job
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Crawlers -> Add Crawler
- Crawler name: crawl_private_flight_csv
- Data store: s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/flight_csv/
- Choose an existing IAM role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
- Frequency: Run on demand
- Output Database: flight_data
- Prefix added to tables: private_
- Run the crawler
- Service -> Athena -> Query editor
select count(1) from private_flight_csv
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Jobs -> Add job
- Name: job_conver_to_parquet
- IAM Role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
- This job runs: A proposed script generated by AWS Glue
- ETL language: Python
- Script file name: job_import_csv
- S3 path where the script is stored: default value
- Data source: flight_data.private_flight_csv
- Data target: Create tables in your data target
Data store: Amazon S3
Format: Parquet
Target path: s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/flight_parquet/
- Save job and edit scripts
- Run job
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Crawlers -> Add Crawler
- Crawler name: crawl_private_flight_parquet
- Data store: s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/flight_parquet/
- Choose an existing IAM role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
- Frequency: Run on demand
- Output Database: flight_data
- Prefix added to tables: private_
- Run the crawler
- Service -> Athena -> Execute query
select count(1) from private_flight_parquet
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Dev endpoints -> Add endpoint
Development endpoint name: <your_endpoint>
IAM Role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
Networking: choose "Choose a VPC, subnet, and security groups". Then specify appropriate subnet/security group accordingly
Public key contents: choose "Create SSH Key". Then download private-key file (.pem) to your local PC
- Press Finish
- Dev endpoints -> Action -> Create notebook server
- Input notebook parameters as below:
CloudFormation stack name: aws-glue-<your-notebook>
IAM Role: aws-glue-study-IAMStack-XXXXXX-AWSGlueNotebookRole-XXXXXXXXXXXX
EC2 key pair: use any of existing or just create a new one
SSH private key: press Upload button to choose the private-key.pem created at 5-1
Notebook username: admin
Notebook password: type as you want
- Leave all other parameters as default and press Finish
- Service -> CloudFormation -> Stack
- Check if the Zeppelin notebook server is being created, and wait until finished (it may takes a few minutes)
- Service -> AWS Glue -> Dev endpoints -> myDevEndpoint
- Check if your new instance is now listed under Notebook servers pane
- Wait until notebook EC2 instance is ready (Can be checked under EC2 instances)
- Open the link at the bottom of "myDevEndpoint" detail page
- "Your connection is not secure" may be displayed with Firefox browser
Advanced -> Add Exception... -> Confirm Secure Exception
- Login (Top right corner of page) -> input username / password set in #5-2 -> Logged in -> Create new note
- Execute code below
import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job
from pyspark.sql.functions import count, when, expr, col, sum, isnull
from pyspark.sql.functions import countDistinct
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
glueContext = GlueContext(spark.sparkContext)
job = Job(glueContext)
## Read from data source created in #3-2
datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database = "flight_data", table_name = "private_flight_csv", transformation_ctx = "datasource0")
## Convert to standard Spark DataFrame to do trasformation to be continued
df = datasource0.toDF()
## For large data sets, try to cache the data will accelerate later execution.
## Over view of flight dates and destinations"fl_date"), countDistinct("dest")).show()
- In order to analyse the arrived delay statics in all days of airports, let us try to aggregate the all the airport on each day, by counting the airplanes arrived ahead of time, ontime or delayed
## Count on condition
cnt_cond = lambda cond: sum(when(cond, 1).otherwise(0))
## Aggregate flight delay statics
stat_df = df.groupBy("fl_date", "dest").agg(count("fl_date").alias("num_arrive"), cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") < 0).alias("ahead_of_time"), (cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") < 0)*100/count("fl_date")).alias("ahead_of_time_percent"), cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") == 0).alias("ontime"), (cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") == 0)*100/count("fl_date")).alias("ontime_percent"), cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") > 0).alias("delayed"), (cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") > 0)*100/count("fl_date")).alias("delayed_percent"), cnt_cond(isnull(col("arr_delay"))).alias("no_value"), (cnt_cond(isnull(col("arr_delay")))*100/count("fl_date")).alias("no_value_percent")).orderBy('fl_date', ascending=True)
## To see all airports on one day, a little large set should be exported accorting to #6-1
- Convert DataFrame back to DynamicFrame for exporting transformed data to data sink, such as S3 bucket.
- Try to change the format to the one you want to export
stat_dyf = DynamicFrame.fromDF(stat_df, glueContext, "stat_dyf")
## Case 1: Write to CSV
datasink1 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = stat_dyf, connection_type = "s3", connection_options = {"path": "s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/zeppelin_csv/", "compression": "gzip"}, format = "csv", transformation_ctx = "datasink1")
## Case 2: Write to parquet
datasink2 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = stat_dyf, connection_type = "s3", connection_options = {"path": "s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/zeppelin_parquet/"}, format = "parquet", transformation_ctx = "datasink2")
## Case 3: Write to orc
datasink3 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = stat_dyf, connection_type = "s3", connection_options = {"path": "s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/zeppelin_orc/"}, format = "orc", transformation_ctx = "datasink3")
- Go to S3 to check under results folder, files should be here.
- The transformed data can be loaded to kinds of data consumers like QuickSight, Athena, etc.
What is the purpose of this section?
Service -> AWS Glue -> Jobs -> Add job
Name: job_delay_stat_etl
IAM Role: AWSGlueServiceRole created by CloudFormation:
- Script: Use the proposed script by AWS Glue:
◉ A proposed script generated by AWS Glue
◉ Python
- Script file name: job_delay_stat_etl
- S3 path where the script is stored: default value
- Data source: private_flight_csv
- Data target: Create a gzip-compressed CSV table in your own S3 table
◉ Create tables in your data target
Data store: Amazon S3
Format: Avro
Target path: s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/etl_results/
- Map the source columns to target columns > Delete all the maps except "fl_date"
- Save job and edit scripts
from pyspark.sql.functions import count, when, expr, col, sum, isnull
from pyspark.sql.functions import countDistinct
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
## Convert to standard Spark DataFrame to do trasformation to be continued
df = datasource0.toDF()
## For large data sets, try to cache the data will accelerate later execution.
## Count on condition
cnt_cond = lambda cond: sum(when(cond, 1).otherwise(0))
## Aggregate flight delay statics
stat_df = df.groupBy("fl_date", "dest").agg(count("fl_date").alias("num_arrive"), cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") < 0).alias("ahead_of_time"), (cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") < 0)*100/count("fl_date")).alias("ahead_of_time_percent"), cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") == 0).alias("ontime"), (cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") == 0)*100/count("fl_date")).alias("ontime_percent"), cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") > 0).alias("delayed"), (cnt_cond(col("arr_delay") > 0)*100/count("fl_date")).alias("delayed_percent"), cnt_cond(isnull(col("arr_delay"))).alias("no_value"), (cnt_cond(isnull(col("arr_delay")))*100/count("fl_date")).alias("no_value_percent")).orderBy('fl_date', ascending=True)
stat_dyf = DynamicFrame.fromDF(stat_df, glueContext, "stat_dyf")
datasink4 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = stat_dyf, connection_type = "s3", connection_options = {"path": "s3://<your_workshop_bucket>/etl_results/"}, format = "avro", transformation_ctx = "datasink4")
- Save and Run job
- s3://crawler-public-ap-northeast-1/flight/2016/csv/