A simple language agnostic database migration tool
Migrations are applied in batches called a revision. A revision is represented by a folder named in consecutive numerical order, starting from "1". Each revision contains pairs of migration scripts with extensions .up.sql and .down.sql for upgrading and downgrading the database respectively.
$ pip install migrate
usage: migrate [options] <command>
move into working directory and create default migrations folder
$ cd /path/to/project
$ mkdir migrations
creating a migration
$ migrate create -e sqlite3 -d /path/to/test.db -m "create users table"
this generates the up and down files using the current timestamp and message in the current revision folder
$ ls -R migrations/
20141215134002_create_users_table.down.sql 20141215134002_create_users_table.up.sql
upgrading from current revision
$ migrate up -e sqlite3 -d test.db
rolling back current revision
$ migrate down -e sqlite3 -d test.db
running with sample configuration example: config.ini
database = /path/to/test.db
engine = sqlite3
migration_path = /path/to/prod/migrations
database = DB_NAME
user = DB_USER
password = DB_PASSWORD
host = DB_HOST
engine = ENGINE
execute with configuration for a particular revision using a preferred environment
$ migrate reset -f config.ini --env prod
you may put a .migrate configuration file in INI format in your project directory to be used by default
Command | Description |
create | Create a migration. Specify "--rev 0" to add a new revision |
up | Upgrade from a revision to the latest |
down | Downgrade from the latest to a lower revision |
reset | Rollback and re-run to the current revision |
Any migration operation will stop when errors are encountered in any of the scripts. To ignore errors use the --skip-errors option.
For more options
$ migrate -h