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Command Page

Kody edited this page Dec 31, 2018 · 43 revisions

If no fiat currency is entered, the command will default to display in USD.

Currently, fiat conversions are handled by a 3rd party library to simplify the amount of requests needed. It may not be as exact as what coinmarketcap says on their website, but it should be accurate.

Currencies supported:


See examples of some of the bot commands here


If there are pesky users in your server toying with certain commands, you're now able to prevent users from abusing such commands. You can use admin commands so long as you have the
CMB ADMIN role (case-sensitive) created and given to you, and from there you can use the following commands to enable/disable the following command categories for your server.

Commands Output
$ss Displays the server settings
$admin Toggles admin-only mode in the server, so only admins are able to use commands.
$togglea Toggles alert command disability in the server. Only admins are able to use these commands.
$togglec Toggles coin-market command disability in the server. Only admins are able to use these commands.
$togglecal Toggles cal command disability in the server. Only admins are able to use these commands.
$togglem Toggles misc command disability in the server. Only admins are able to use these commands.
$togglep Toggles prefix command disability in the server. Only admins are able to use these commands.
$toggles Toggles subscriber command disability in the server. Only admins are able to use these commands.


You can keep up to date with what events lie ahead for the cryptocurrency you're looking for.

Commands Arguments Output
$cal 1. Cryptocurrency to look up

2. (Optional) Number in the event list to get information on
(By default it will be the first/upcoming event)
Shows an upcoming event for the coin given
(i.e. $cal btc)


You can subscribe to the bot's subscriber list with $sub, and from there you can add currencies to receive live posts from using $addc [enter cryptocurrency here]. You can also toggle if you want the bot to purge messages or not (by default it will not purge the messages) by typing $purge. With purge mode on, the bot will remove past messages beforehand then post the new update. To remove a currency you do not want to subscribe from, simply type $remc [cryptocurrency here]. To unsub from the channel, just type $unsub.

The bot will post an update every 5 minutes, since the coinmarketcap data is updated every 5 minutes.

Commands Arguments Output
$sub 1. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to Subscribes the current channel to live updates
(i.e. $sub eur)
$unsub Unsubscribes the channel from live updates
$purge Toggles whether you want the bot to purge messages in the server or not (removes 10 msgs every iteration)
$addc 1. Cryptocurrency to get live updates of Adds a cryptocurrency to get live updates of
(i.e. $addc bitcoin)
(i.e. $addc btc)
$remc 1. Cryptocurrency to remove from getting live updates of Removes a cryptocurrency from getting live updates of
(i.e. $remc bitcoin)
(i.e. $remc btc)
$getc Gets the list of currencies the channel is subbed to
$interval 1. What interval you want the bot to post in. Current choices are:
default - posts every 60 minutes
2h - posts every 2 hours
3h - posts every 3 hours
6h - posts every 6 hours
12h - posts every 12 hours
24h - posts every 24 hours
Sets the interval of the bot updates (interval starts from midnight).
(i.e. $interval hourly)
$subset Displays the subscriber settings of the channel.


You can set alerts with this bot using the following commands. Once you add an alert with the $adda command, the bot will send a notification to the channel that the condition has been met. If you want a DM from the bot, create an alert by DMing the bot first.

Commands Arguments Output
$adda 1. Cryptocurrency to set an alert of

2. Operator to compare the price specified and the market price. Choices are (<, <=, >, >=)

3. Price for condition to meet

4. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to
Adds an alert notification for the user when a price meets the condition specified
(i.e. $adda bitcoin <= 15000 aud)

1. Cryptocurrency to set an alert of

2. Operator to compare the btc price specified and the market btc price. Choices are (<, <=, >, >=)

3. Price for condition to meet
Adds an alert notification for the user when the btc price meets the condition specified
(i.e. $addab litecoin > 0.0023)
$addah 1. Cryptocurrency to set an alert of

2. Operator to compare the price specified and the market price. Choices are (<, <=, >, >=)

3. Price for condition to meet
Adds an alert notification for the user when the percent change in an hour (1h) meets the condition specified
(i.e. $addah btc > 2)
$addad 1. Cryptocurrency to set an alert of

2. Operator to compare the price specified and the market price. Choices are (<, <=, >, >=)

3. Percent for condition to meet
Adds an alert notification for the user when the percent change in a day (24h) meets the condition specified
(i.e. $addad btc < 2)
$addaw 1. Cryptocurrency to set an alert of

2. Operator to compare the price specified and the market price. Choices are (<, <=, >, >=)

3. Price for condition to meet
Adds an alert notification for the user when the percent change in a week (7d) meets the condition specified
(i.e. $addaw bitcoin > 10)
$rema 1. Number of the specific alert to remove Removes an alert notification made from the user. Use $geta to see what alert number's you can remove first.
(i.e. $rema 5)
$geta Gets the list of alerts made from the user


Commands Arguments Output
$search or $s or just $ 1. Cryptocurrency to search for

2. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to
Displays the data of the specified currency.
(i.e. $search bitcoin eur)
(i.e. $s btc eur)
(i.e. $btc eur)
For multiple searches, you can simply add another currency acronym or name after the first, and if you want fiat conversion, mention a fiat at the end
(i.e. $btc ripple stellar cad)
$topfive 1. Option to get the topfive listings of. The following options are:
g - display cryptocurrencies with top 5 24h percent gains
l - display cryptocurrencies with top 5 24h percent losses
r - display cryptocurrencies with top 5 ranking

2. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to
Displays the top 5 cryptocurrencies (out of first 400 cryptocurrencies) depending on the option inputted
(i.e. $topfive g)
(i.e. $topfive l)
(i.e. $topfive r)
$profit or $p 1. Cryptocurrency to search for

2. Amount of crypto coins

3. Cost of each crypto coin that was bought at

4. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to
Determines how much profit you've made based on the cryptocurrency you specify, the amount of coins that was bought, and the price of each coin
(i.e. $profit bitcoin 500 3 eur)
(i.e. $p btc 500 3 eur)

1. Cryptocurrency to convert from

2. Cryptocurrency to convert to

3. Amount of currency to convert
Displays conversion results from one cryptocurrency to another
(i.e. $cb bitcoin tether 500)
(i.e. $cb btc usdt 500)
$cc 1. Cryptocurrency to search for

2. Amount of crypto coins

3. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to
Displays conversion results from an x amount of coins to fiat currency
(i.e. $cc bitcoin 500 cad)
(i.e. $cc btc 500 cad)
$cf 1. Cryptocurrency to search for

2. Amount of money to convert to coins

3. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to
Displays conversion results from fiat currency to an x amount of coins
(i.e. $cf bitcoin 15000 cad)
(i.e. $cf btc 15000 cad)
$stats 1. (Optional) Fiat currency to convert to Displays the overall stats of the coin market
(i.e. $stats cad)


Commands Output
$donate Shows donation information
$info Shows information about the bot
$profile Shows the bot profile page
$patreon Shows the patreon page for the bot
$updates Gives a link to the update log


Commands Arguments Output
$prefix 1. Whatever you'd like to use instead of the '$' prefix Changes the bot prefix for your server. If you ever forget the prefix you set, you can mention the bot with @
(i.e. $prefix !)
$help Displays available commands and descriptions of them
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