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Lucille is a production-grade Search ETL solution.

Search ETL is a category of ETL problem where data must be extracted from a source system, transformed, and loaded into a search engine.

A Search ETL solution must speak the language of search: it must represent data in the form of search-engine-ready Documents, it must know how to enrich Documents to support common search use cases, and it must follow best practices for interacting with search engines including support for batching, routing, and versioning.

To be production-grade, a search ETL solution must be scalable, reliable, and easy to use. It should support parallel Document processing, it should be observable, it should be easy to configure, it should have extensive test coverage, and it should have been hardened through multiple challenging real-world deployments.

Lucille handles all of these things so you don't have to. Lucille helps you get your data into Lucene-based search engines like Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, or OpenSearch as well as vector-based search engines like Pinecone and Weaviate, and it helps you keep that search engine content up-to-date as your backend data changes. Lucille does this in a way that scales as your data volume grows, and in a way that's easy to evolve as your data transformation requirements become more complex. Lucille implements search best practices so you can stay focused on your data itself and what you want to do with it.


To use Lucille you will need a Java development environment with Java 17 or later and a recent version of Maven. Start by cloning the repository:

git clone

At the top level of the project, run:

mvn clean install

Getting Started

Lucille includes a few examples in the lucille-examples module to help you get started.

To see how to ingest the contents of a local CSV file into an instance of Apache Solr, refer to lucille-examples/simple-csv-solr-example.

To run this example, start an instance of Apache Solr on port 8983 and create a collection called quickstart. For more information about how to use Solr, see the Apache Solr Reference Guide).

Go to lucille-examples/lucille-simple-csv-solr-example in your working copy of Lucille and run:

mvn clean install


This script executes Lucille with a configuration file named simple-csv-solr-example.conf that tells Lucille to read a CSV of top songs and send each row as a document to Solr.

Run a commit with openSearcher=true on your quickstart collection to make the documents visible. Go to your Solr admin dashboard, execute a *:* query and you should see the songs from the source file now visible as Solr documents.

More Information

The Lucille project is developed and maintained by KMW Technology ( For more information regarding Lucille, please contact us.