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Vulkan Render

Cuda Ray Tracing


This repository contains a number of modules, that makes 3D render using Vulkan API. All render moduls are implemented as static libraries and located in core directory, check READMEs in modules directories for more detailed information. Tests are located in tests directory and implemented as executable applications, that demonstrate rendering functionality. Almost all build dependences could be cloning by clone script, for more build informations check requirements and build paragraphs.

Links to another readme:

Build tests applications

From working directory:

  • Pre build steps
    • For clean Ubuntu you need install next libs:
      • For GLFW build:
        sudo apt install libx11-dev
        sudo apt install libxrandr-dev
        sudo apt install libxinerama-dev
        sudo apt install libxcursor-dev
        sudo apt install libxi-dev
        sudo apt install mesa-common-dev
      • Vulkan:
        sudo apt install vulkan-tools
        sudo apt install libvulkan-dev
        sudo apt install vulkan-validationlayers-dev spirv-tools
        You can check Vulkan with vulkaninfo and vkcube commands
    • Clone dependences:
      • Linux:
      • Windows
  • Compile shaders
    • Linux:
    • Windows
  • Build:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake --build . --config Release
    Use CUDA_RAY_TRACING flag for build cudaRayTracing module and testCuda test, make shure you have installed CUDA, it is not installed with dependences by script.


A number of dependences that could be cloning by clone script:

Also you need installed Vulkan API and optional CUDA.


At the moment, only deferred render (deferredGraphics) has been implemented. It's a stand-alone module that can be replaced with another implementation of render. In the future, it is planned to implement a simpler forward rendering as modul. Current implementation requires around 1.5-2 Gb of device memory for initialization and supporting all functionality.

All renders, for example deferredGraphics, cudaRayTracing or imguiGraphics, host by graphics manager (graphicsManager), that creates and supports all necessary stuff. Manager and render moduls communicats by linker classes, all instance of render moduls must implement oun linker class inherited from the linker interface.

cudaRayTracing is simpliest implementation of ray tracing, it has low perfomance. Possible in the future this modul will be improved. In current state it shows simultaneos CUDA and Vulkan work.

ImGui was integrated as graphics modul imguiGraphics, and could be launched with other graphics modul. Generally speaking all graphics moduls could be launched simultaneosly, and show in different parts of window. Also, for example, two instance of graphics could be launched by single manager for multi-view presentation (testPos).

Supported models formats: gltf, glb, ply.