Provides an easy way to persistently store small chunks of data and then access it from the native code.
Apparent use case is to share settings between js part and long running tasks wrote on a native lang (services, background tasks etc).
Library is built upon SharedPreferences on Android and on UserDefaults on iOS.
Note: currently supports only string values. To store other types use the JSON representation.
import KeyValueStorage from "react-native-key-value-storage"
(async () => {
try {
await KeyValueStorage.set("key", "value")
const stored = await KeyValueStorage.get("key") // "value"
await KeyValueStorage.remove("key")
} catch(error) {
// Handle error
KeyValueStorageModule.set("key", "value", context);
KeyValueStorageModule.get("key", context);
KeyValueStorageModule.remove("key", context);
#import "RNKeyValueStorage.h"
[KeyValueStorage setForKey:@"key" andValue:@"value"];
NSString *stored = [KeyValueStorage getForKey:@"key"];
[KeyValueStorage removeForKey:@"key"];
- Use version
for RN>= 0.47.0
- Use version
for RN< 0.47.0
get(key: string) => Promise<string>
set(key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>
remove(key: string) => Promise<void>
- In your project:
$ npm i react-native-key-value-storage -S
$ react-native link react-native-key-value-storage