Take home assignment that does following:
- User can read posts
- Each post can have multiple comments
- User can write posts
- User can comment on a post
- User can register
See Live Demo Deployed on Azure
EA Assignment was built with:
- .NET Core - Cross platform framework for C#
- Angular - Javascript framework for Gui
- Postgresql - RDBMS
- Entity Framework Core - ORM for api project to interact with postgresql.
- Autofac - IoC container for .NET Core
- Moq - C# testing framework
- Devextreme - Angular UI framework
- Swagger - API documentation
To run locally, the app requires:
- Node - v8+
- NPM - v6+
- .NET Core SDK - 2.2
- Postgresql - v10+, with role name: admin, password: admin with create privilege
To start Gui, install the dependencies and start the server.
$ cd ea-assignment/web/gui
$ npm install
$ npm run-script build-prod
To start backend, restore packages, build the solution then migrate the database.
$ cd ea-assignment/src/api
$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet build
$ cd ../data
$ dotnet ef database update
$ cd ../api
$ dotnet run
To run on another host built with docker, the app requires:
- Docker - Recommended v18.02.0+
- Docker Compose - v1.20+
To run:
$ cd ea-assignment
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Or alternatively you can pull from Docker Hub
$ docker pull damiankim/ea-assignment:gui-latest
$ docker pull damiankim/ea-assignment:api-latest
$ docker pull damiankim/ea-assignment:db-latest
To run backend tests:
$ cd ea-assignment/tests/blogtest
$ dotnet test
To run frontend tests:
$ cd ea-assignment/web/gui
$ npm test
Assuming running on docker, API Documentation can be found at:
- Write GUI Test
- Add Authentication
- More Features to utilize APIs