Visual Studio Extension for Panther Project
# | Version | Support |
1 | Visual Studio 2019 | Yes |
2 | Visual Studio 2022 | Yes |
By default, Panther menu will be placed inside the Extensions menu
Panther menu can be displayed in main menu
Steps to bring Panther menu to main menu
# | Command | Output Pane | Description |
1 | Build Dependencies | x | Build dependencies without using the command line |
2 | Build ThirdParty | x | Build thirdparty without using the command line |
3 | Build PantherCommon | x | Build PantherCommon solution and copy the output files to the destination folder if there are differences |
4 | Rebuild PantherCommon | x | Rebuild PantherCommon solution and copy the output files to the destination folder if there are differences |
5 | Build CoreCommon | x | Build CoreCommon solution and copy the output files to the destination folder if there are differences |
6 | Rebuild CoreCommon | x | Rebuild CoreCommon solution and copy the output files to the destination folder if there are differences |
7 | Run PantherTPS.exe | Run PantherTPS.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
8 | Run ConfigTool.exe | Run ConfigTool.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
9 | Run MachineDataEntry.exe | Run MachineDataEntry.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
10 | Run ImportTool.exe | Run ImportTool.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
11 | Run AMSManager.exe | Run AMSManager.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
12 | Run LicenseManager.exe | Run LicenseManager.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
13 | Run LicenseServer.exe | Run LicenseServer.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
14 | Run SecurityManager.exe | Run SecurityManager.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
15 | Run DICOMCommunicator.exe | Run DICOMCommunicator.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
16 | Run DICOMServer.exe | Run DICOMServer.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
17 | Run WTCP.exe | Run WTCP.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
18 | Run LoggingTool.exe | Run LoggingTool.exe if it exists in the Bin folder | |
19 | Copy Bin Files | x | Open the Copy Bin Files dialog so the user can select items in the Bin folder to copy. By default, items are auto-selected depending on the selected profile |
20 | Open Bin Folder | Open the Bin folder in Explorer | |
21 | Delete Lock Files in Panther Site | x | Scan and delete all locked files that exist in Panther Site |
22 | Unlock Utility Locked By User | Unlock to run utilities at the same time | |
23 | Fix App Closing After 15 Seconds | Fix the application automatically closes after 15 seconds | |
24 | Enable/Disable Auto Delete Lock Files | Automatically delete lock files when Panther build is complete or run any application from Panther menu. The default is Enable |
25 | Enable/Disable Auto Unlock Utility | Automatically unlock the utility when Panther build is complete or run any application from the Panther menu. This is also triggered when performing Copy Bin Files . The default is Enable |
26 | Enable/Disable Auto Fix App Closing | Automatically fix application closing when Panther build is complete or run any application from Panther menu. This is also triggered when performing Copy Bin Files . The default is Enable |
27 | Setting Components | Open the Options -> Panther page to set the PantherComponentsDir macro |