PhileCMS is a flat-file CMS with no database required.
UI Kit is a "A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces."
- Clone this repo
- Run generator.php and copy into config.php
- You'll be able to access admin by going to admin/ or clicking the link in the bottom footer
###Admin Panel Once you get PUIK properly installed, explore the Admin Panel as it will let you add pages and change settings without having to edit a file. You won't be able to access Admin or the Phile CMS without adding the text from generator.php.
###puikManager There are plenty of options found in the config.php file for this plugin.
'page_width' => 'full', // fluid, full, fixed
'style' => 'almost-flat', // almost-flat, gradient, flat
'navbar' => 'sticky', // off, static, sticky
'sidebar' => 'left', // off, left, right
'navbar_layout' => 'main_navbar', // {{ theme_dir }}/assets/layout/*.html
'footer_layout' => 'main_footer', // {{ theme_dir }}/assets/layout/*.html
'sidebar_layout' => 'main_sidebar', // {{ theme_dir }}/assets/layout/*.html
'post_layout' => 'post', // {{ theme_dir }}/assets/layout/*.html
'page_layout' => 'page', // {{ theme_dir }}/assets/layout/*.html
'customizer' => '', // {{ theme_dir }}/assets/*.css
'grid_max' => '10', // 10,6,5,4,3,2,1
'grid_sidebar' => '3', // 1 to grid_max
'sidebar_title' => 'Main Menu', //
These settings can be changed in the following order:
- puikManager config.php defaults
- PUIK config.php main configuration override
- Phile Admin config settings
- Page Meta
This allows individual pages to have unique settings, but a global setting that can be changed easily. There are more options in page meta data as well that will override defaults.
#2. Demo You can see a live version of the latest version of PUIK at
#3. Thanks To This project couldn't be possible if it wasn't for the open-source community of developers
- Gilbert Pellegrom for developing Pico
- Yootheme for creating UI Kit
- James Doyle & Frank Nägler (NeoBlack) et al for PhileCMS, forked from Pico
- A community of plugin developers who taught me how to work with Phile and Pico.
#4. Contact My name is Daniel James. Email me if you're interested in helping me with this project. I'm not a PHP Developer but I see a benefit to a package like PUIK.