Elemental gem is a simple wrapper around Capybara that gives you a straight-forward way to work with web page elements. Its main purpose is to make using page elements sharing easier between different tests and test suites, because feature tests can be quite complex and use an arrays of combinations of html accessors to drive to the proper test coverage. This gem just streamlines that task and gives you a way to define and reuse html elements. And you can add a method or two if you need to.
Just add elemental to your test section in bundle:
gem elemental
Just create a new object for your elements and start testing.
class MyElements < Elemental
button :my_button1, '.my-button-class', text: 'My Button', match: :first
field :my_field1, '#my_field'
link :my_link1, '#my_link1', text: 'Some Text'
element :my_element, '.my-selector'
elements :my_shiny_elements, '.my-shiny-selector-2'
This gives you two new methods for each of these selectors:
my_elements = MyElements.new
my_elements.my_button1 # => 'My Button'
my_elements.my_button1_element # => Capybara::Node
Methods for creating an element take a name of the element as first parameter, and locator as second. You can also pass Capybara parameters as you would do in a test.
You can freely combine different element classes to create a complex object by using Ruby classes.
class MyComplexPage < Elemental
def my_elements
@my_element ||= MyElements.new