Simple terminal task tree - helps you keep track of your tasks in a tree structure.
npm install tasktree-cli
import TaskTree from 'tasktree-cli';
const tree = TaskTree.tree();
// start task tree log update in terminal
// create tasks
const task1 = tree.add('{underline Task {bold #1}}');
const task2 = tree.add('Task {bold #2}');
const task3 = task2.add('Subtask...');
const tpl = ':bar :rate/bps {cyan.bold :percent} :etas';
// create progress bars
const bars = [,,];
// ... whatever
let once = false;
const promises = [50, 75, 200].map((ms, i) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const handle = setInterval(() => {
const bar = bars[i];
if (bar) {
if (once) {
if (bar.percent >= 50) {
} else {;
} else {
once = bar.tick(Math.random() * 10).isCompleted;
if (once) {
}, ms);
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
// skip task
task3.skip('Subtask skipped');
// log info message in Task #2, complete task
task2.log('Informational message').complete();
// log warning and error in Task #1, fail it
task1.warn('Warning message').error(new Error('Something bad happened'), true);
// stop task tree log update
TaskTree uses chalk-template to style text and supports formatting as a tagged template literal:
const task = new Task('{underline.cyan.bold Awesome task}');
If you are using braces in a formatted string, use \\
to escape it:
const task = new Task('{underline.cyan.bold \\{Awesome\\} task}');
Read the API documentation for more information.