This is a test version of EventGhost. It is a work in progress. This test version runs on Python 3.5 x64
- visual c >= 14.0 *
- winows sdk >= 8.1
- cx_Freeze >= 5.1.1
- requests >= 2.19.1
- agithub >= 2.1
- pycurl >=
- qrcode >= 6.0
- tornado >= 5.1
- psutil >= 5.4.7
- websocket-client-py3 >= 0.15.0
- CommonMark >= 0.7.5
- comtypes >= 1.1.7
- future >= 0.16.0
- Pillow >= 5.2.0
- PyCrypto >= 2.6.1
- Sphinx >= 1.8.0b1
- wxPython >= 4.0.3
- pywin32 >= 223
- setuptools >= 40.2
* Visual C is also comes with Visual Studio. You will need Visual Studio >= 2015
python build_exe