Suitkin is a Samurai UI toolkit and component library for building user interfaces in ClojureScript. It is inspires by the desing principles of Heath Samurai Team and provides a collection of reusable UI components that follow a consistent design system.
Suitkin provides a range of customizable and composable components, such as buttons, forms, modals, tables, and more. It is a work in progress, and the full list of components can be found on the Demo page
make init && make dev
To use Suitkin components in your project, you need to require Suitkin components in your ClojureScript code. For example, to use the Button component:
(ns my-app.core
(:require [suitkin.core :as sk]
[suitkin.button :as button]))
(defn my-view []
[button/button {:label "Click me!"}]])