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File metadata and controls

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Below is a breakdown of the Server component which is an extended Router instance for modularity support.

  • See > [Router] for more information on additional methods and properties available.

Server Constructor Options

  • key_file_name [String]: Path to SSL private key file to be used for SSL/TLS.
    • Example: 'misc/'
    • [Required] for an SSL server.
  • cert_file_name [String]: Path to SSL certificate file.
    • Example: 'misc/'
    • [Required] for an SSL server.
  • passphrase [String]: Strong passphrase for SSL cryptographic purposes.
    • Optional for an SSL server.
  • dh_params_file_name [String]: Path to SSL Diffie-Hellman parameters file.
    • Example: 'misc/'
    • Optional for an SSL server.
  • ssl_prefer_low_memory_usage [Boolean]: Specifies uWebsockets to prefer lower memory usage while serving SSL requests.
  • auto_close [Boolean]: Specifies whether the Server instance should automatically be closed when process exits.
    • Default: true
  • fast_buffers [Boolean]: Specifies HyperExpress to use Buffer.allocUnsafe for storing incoming request body data for faster performance.
    • Default: false
    • Note! Any data in the unsafely allocated buffer will always be written over thus this option is provided for those working with strict regulatory requirements.
  • fast_abort [Boolean]: Specifies HyperExpress to forcefully/abruptly close incoming request connections with bad conditions such as payload too large. This can significantly improve performance but at the cost of no HTTP status code being received by the sender.
    • Default: false
  • trust_proxy [Boolean]: Specifies whether incoming request data from intermediate proxy(s) should be trusted.
    • Default: false
  • max_body_buffer [Number]: Maximum number of bytes to buffer in memory before the data is consumed. Behaves similar to highWaterMark in Node.js streams.
    • Default: 16 * 1024 or 16kb
  • max_body_length [Number]: Maximum number of bytes allowed for incoming request body size. For reference, 1kb = 1024 Bytes and 1mb = 1024kb.
    • Default: 250 * 1024 or 250kb
  • streaming[Object]: Specifies global constructor options for internal readable and writable streams.
    • readable[stream.ReadableOptions]: Constructor options for Request body readable streams.
    • writable[stream.WritableOptions]: Constructor options for Response body writable streams.
    • Note you can also override globally specified streaming options on a per-route basis in the route options.

Server Instance Properties

Property Type Description
port Number Local listening port of this instance.
socket uWS.us_listen_socket Listening uWS socket of this instance.
hosts HostManager Host Manager local to this instance.
locals Object Can be used to stores references local to this instance.
uws_instance uWS.TemplatedApp Underlying uWebsockets TemplatedApp instance.
routes Object All routes created on current instance.
middlewares Object All non route specific midddlewares on current instance.
handlers Object Global handlers for current instance.

Server Instance Methods

  • listen(Number: port, [String?: host, Function?: callback]): Starts the uWebsockets server on specified port and host.
    • listen(String: unix_path, Function?: callback): Starts the uWebsockets server on specified UNIX domain socket path.
      • Returns a Promise and resolves uw_listen_socket.
      • Note port or unix_path is required and host is by default if unspecified with a port listener.
      • Note callback is optional and can be used as an alternative to the Promise.
  • shutdown(uws_socket?: socket): Performs a graceful shutdown of the server and closes the listen socket once all pending requests have been completed.
    • Note: listen_socket is not required.
    • Returns a Promise and resolves Boolean representing whether the socket was closed successfully.
    • Note The server will immediately close any new incoming requests or connections while the graceful shutdown is in progress.
  • close(uws_socket?: socket): Closes the uWebsockets server instantly dropping all pending requests.
    • Note: listen_socket is not required.
    • Returns a Boolean representing whether the socket was closed successfully.
  • set_error_handler(Function: handler): Binds a global catch-all error handler that will attempt to catch mostsynchronous/asynchronous errors.
    • Handler Parameters: (Request: request, Response: response, Error: error) => {}.
  • set_not_found_handler(Function: handler): Binds a global catch-all not found handler that will handle all requests which are not handled by any routes.
    • Handler Parameters: (Request: request, Response: response) => {}.
  • use(...2 Overloads): Binds middlewares and mounts Router instances on the optionally specified pattern hierarchy.
    • Overload Types:
      • use(Function | Router: ...handler): Binds the specified functions as middlewares and mounts the Router instances on the / pattern.
      • use(String: pattern, Function | Router: ...handler): Binds the specified functions as middlewares and mounts the Router instances on the specified pattern hierarchy.
    • Note pattern is treated as a wildcard match by default and does not support */:param prefixes.
    • See > [Router] & > [Middlewares] for full documentation on this method.
  • any(...4 Overloads): Creates an HTTP route on the specified pattern. Alias methods are listed below for all available HTTP methods.
    • Alias Methods: all(), get(), post(), put(), delete(), head(), options(), patch(), trace(), connect(), upgrade(), ws().
    • Overload Types:
      • any(String: pattern, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified handler.
      • any(String: pattern, Object: options, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified options and handler.
      • any(String: pattern, Function: middleware, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified route-specific middleware and handler.
      • any(String: pattern, Function[]: middlewares, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified set of route-specific middlewares and handler.
    • See > [Router] for full documentation on this method.
    • See > [Websocket] for usage documentation on the upgrade() and ws() alias method.
  • publish(String: topic, String|Buffer|ArrayBuffer: message, Boolean?: is_binary, Boolean?: compress): Publishes the specified message to the specified topic in MQTT syntax to all WebSocket connections on this Server instance.
    • Returns a Boolean to signify whether the publish was successful or not.
  • num_of_subscribers(String: topic): Returns the number of subscribers to a topic across all WebSocket connections on this server instance.
    • Returns a number of connections.