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Below is a breakdown of how to properly work with the Websocket component in HyperExpress. The Websocket component is an extended EventEmitter allowing you to listen for specific events throughout the connection's lifetime.

Getting Started

To start accepting websocket connections, you must first create a websocket route on either a Router or Server instance.

const HyperExpress = require('hyper-express');
const Server = new HyperExpress.Server();
const Router = new HyperExpress.Router();'/connect', {
    idle_timeout: 60,
    max_payload_length: 32 * 1024
}, (ws) => {
    console.log(ws.ip + ' is now connected using websockets!');
    ws.on('close', () => console.log(ws.ip + ' has now disconnected!'));

// Websocket connections can now connect to '/ws/connect'
Server.use('/ws', Router);

See > [Router] for full documentation on the ws(pattern, options, handler) route creation method.

Intercepting & Handling Upgrade Requests

By default, all incoming connections are automatically upgraded to a websocket connection. You may authenticate these upgrade requests by creating an upgrade route on either a Router or Server instance.

// Assume this code is written in the same file as the above example
Router.upgrade('/connect', {
    middlewares: [SOME_MIDDLEWARE] // Middlewares can be used on upgrade methods as well!
}, (request, response) => {
    // Do some kind of verification here
    // This handler acts the same as all other HTTP handlers
    // All global/route-specific middlewares will run on this route as it is treated like a normal HTTP route
    // You must call response.upgrade() somewhere in your logic, otherwise the upgrade request will timeout
        token: request.query_parameters['token'],
        // You may specify context values in this object for later accesss using the ws.context property

See > [Router] for full documentation on the upgrade(pattern, options, handler) route creation method.

Websocket Properties

Property Type Description
raw uWS.Request Underlying uWS.Websocket object.
ip String Connection IP address.
context Object Context values that were specified from upgrade() method.
closed Boolean Whether connection is closed.
buffered Number Number of bytes buffered in backpressure.
topics Array List of topics this websocket is subscribed to.
writable stream.Writable Writable stream to be used for piping into this connection.

Websocket Methods

  • atomic(Function: callback): Alias of uWebsockets.Response.cork(). This method waits for network socket to become ready before executing all network base calls inside the specified callback.
    • This may yield higher performance when executing multiple network heavy operations.
  • send(String|Buffer|ArrayBuffer: message, Boolean: is_binary, Boolean: compress): Sends a message over the websocket connection.
    • Returns Boolean[true] if message was sent successfully.
    • Returns Boolean[false] if message could not be sent due to built up backpressure.
  • stream(Readable: readable, Boolean?: is_binary): Consumes and streams the data from the readable stream as a message to the receiver.
    • Returns Promise which is then resolved to any.
    • Note you must not initiate another stream() or writable operation during an ongoing stream.
  • ping(String|Buffer|ArrayBuffer: message): Sends a ping control message.
    • Returns Boolean[true] if message was sent successfully.
    • Returns Boolean[false] if message could not be sent due to built up backpressure.
  • close(Number: code, String: message): Gracefully closes the connection and writes specified code and short message.
    • Note this method is recommended for most use-cases.
  • destroy(): Forcefully closes the connection and immediately emits close event.
    • Note no protocol close message is sent.
    • Only recommended when disconnecting bad actors.
  • is_subscribed(String: topic): Returns whether this websocket is subscribed to specified topic.
    • Returns Boolean
  • subscribe(String: topic): Subscribes to specified topic in MQTT syntax.
  • unsubscribe(String: topic): Unsubscribes from specified topic in MQTT syntax.
  • publish(String: topic, String|Buffer|ArrayBuffer: message, Boolean: is_binary, Boolean: compress): Publishes the specified message to the specified topic in MQTT syntax.

Websocket Events

The Websocket component is an extension of the EventEmitter component thus you may consume lifecycle events for each connection.

  • on|once(String: eventName, Function: listener): Binds a listener which is triggered when the specified event name is emitted.
    • Event 'message': Emitted when a message is received from websocket connection.
      • Example Handler: (Mixed: message, Boolean: is_binary) => {}
      • Note the type for message is determined by the message_type option specified during route creation.
    • Event 'close': Emitted when websocket connection has closed.
      • Example Handler: (Number: code, Mixed: message) => {}
      • Note the type for message is determined by the message_type option specified during route creation.
    • Event 'drain': Emitted when websocket connection has drained and is ready to send more messages.
      • Use this event to handle backpressure and retry messages that could not be sent earlier.
    • Event 'ping': Emitted when websocket connection has received a ping from client.
    • Event 'pong': Emitted when websocket connection has received a pong from client.