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This is a demo micro-service for account transaction as part of mobile challengers banking.

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Java CI with Maven Maven Package Docker

Microservice: account-transaction-service

This is a demo microservice for the account transaction as part of mobile challengers banking.

Tech stack used:

  1. Java 11
  2. Spring Boot 2.4.1
  3. Spring REST API (Spring Web)
  4. Lombok 1.18.16
  5. Spring Data JPA & H2 in-memory database (exposed the client dashboard to see the records)
  6. springdoc-openapi-ui - Auto generated API documentation using OpenAPI 3.0 and exposed Swagger UI for the same (Refer the link at the bottom of this page)
  7. Dockerized (Dockerfile is included and used the latest concept called multi-layered image building for optimized build time)
  8. TDD approach using JUnit 5, Mockito, and Spring Boot Test
  9. JaCoCo for code coverage
  10. Spring boot starter validation for request validation

JaCoCo code coverage is: 100 %

JaCoCo_Report img missing

Steps to build the Docker Image:

Step 1: Enter the project directory,
cd <project_directory>
Step 2: To clean and package the micro-service locally
mvn clean package
Step 3: Build the docker image and store it in a local repository (Dockerfile is there in the root of the directory itself)
docker build . --tag account-transaction-service
Step 4: Run the micro-service as a container in the docker:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 account-transaction-service:latest

Note: I have used multi-layered approach in docker and spring.

OpenAPI 3.0 Documentation URL:

API_Documentation img missing

Note: Also Postman Collection has been pushed into the repository for your reference.

In-Memory Database Dashboard:

H2_DB_Console img missing

Note: Username and Password for the in-memory H2 database can be set differently by passing environment variables namely DB_USER and DB_PWD if required, else H2 db provided default username and password will be used. For more details please refer: application.yml